Chapter 33: Live in Sin

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Wednesday, December 19, 1979

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Wednesday, December 19, 1979

Nicole: Good morning, Michael...

Michael: Hey... You...

His voice was a foggy whisper as Nicole pressed the phone receiver close to her ear to hear him purr. It was the first night in several days she'd woken up without him by her side. Though Michael warned her that he had an early studio session at home with his brothers today, she sometimes forgot that "early" to her was a little earlier than "early" for him. And when she awoke, cold and alone in the bed that suddenly felt too big, all she could think about was hearing his voice again.

Nicole: I'm sorry I woke you...

Michael: Mhmm, don't be. It's nice to hear your voice.

She could picture him smiling with his eyes still closed, sprawled on his plush mattress as they whispered into each other's ears.

Nicole: I had a dream about you.

Michael: Oh?

Nicole: Mmm-- Yes... Would you like to hear about it?

Michael: Yes please.

Nicole: Well... School had started again. We just received scores for a paper and mine was covered in red ink. I'd never seen a grade so low! So after class, after the other students left, I went up front to question the professor. And guess who was the professor?

She could hear Michael's grin broaden.

Michael: Was it me?

Nicole: Mhmm, it was. So when I asked Professor Jackson for feedback, I saw you were right. I'd written an awful paper! There were misspellings, poor grammar, and sentences that ran on for miles. I was so embarrassed and disappointed in myself... But you were very kind. You said, 'There, there, one bad grade isn't the end of the world.' But I explained, if this grade lowers my GPA, I could lose my scholarship. Wouldn't that be awful, Michael?

Michael: Yes... So what'd you do?

Nicole: Well, I asked you, Professor, if there was any opportunity for extra credit. Surely there was something I could do to earn some extra points. Maybe, write a new paper or do some tutoring. Maybe something more personal, I could wash your car or...?

Michael: Or?

His eyes were open now as Michael listened intently. She was speaking painfully slow.

Nicole: Well, I'd never been in this position before-- of needing extra credit, I mean. So you sat in your chair and I sat up on your desk and we were quiet for a while, just thinking. And when I looked at you again, you had your thumb between your lips, biting your nail. And you were staring at me in that way that you do-- When your eyes lock on mine and your jaw gets stern but you're smiling just a little, you know?

Michael: Mhmm...

Nicole: So, I um... I got off the desk and I leaned over you. And I kissed you-- just a little to see how you'd react... Do you know what you said?

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