Chapter 43: I Promise

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Friday, February 15, 1980

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Friday, February 15, 1980

Laura took a long flight, purposely adding a layover in LAX where she could meet up with her best friend. Though they'd just seen each other a little over a month ago, there was always new gossip to tell and stories to share. Nicole proudly flashed the dazzling jewelry Michael purchased for her birthday-- diamond stud earrings to match her Christmas necklace. And when Nicole raved about the beautiful bouquet of roses he had sent for Valentine's Day, it was as if to say, "See-- I told you my boyfriend isn't lazy!"

Laura wasn't convinced, but it didn't seem worth it to push the issue. She watched Nicole for many years be sad and single. As long as Michael wasn't harming her, maybe it was okay for Nicole to live in this blissful state of oblivion. And maybe this trip to New York would allow Laura some insight on their relationship. She hoped seeing Michael and Nicole together again would prove her wrong.

With a five hour flight and the change in time zones, it was suddenly nearing sunset when the girls landed at JFK International. They squealed in their first-class seats, eyes staring brightly out the plane window as they braced themselves for the runway impact. New York looked just like the movies, so busy and enchanting.

Bill was waiting proudly at the luggage carousel. He was just as Nicole described him, Laura thought. Kind and protective, playful but fatherly. Though his excitement was camouflaged by over a decade in personal security, Bill was thrilled to see Nicole again. He missed her, holding her tight as they swayed together and he silently prayed this visit would be favorable.

In all the years Bill worked intimately with the Jackson family, he now realized Michael was at his best with Nicole by his side. She steadied him, helping him slow down and not take his career too seriously. Normalizing him in a way that initially made everyone fearful. What would Michael be without music? Michael Jackson was born to entertain, deemed a prodigy while simultaneously going through puberty. His stardom was blinding, overtaking every aspect of his life. And unfortunately, that meant his personal life stood on the sidelines, watching as his brothers and peers excelled in a sport while Michael struggled to even learn the rules. Now Michael had the ball and it terrified those around him that music would have to wait on the bench.

It wasn't until now, after Bill had come to know this new, mature man, that he realized how much Michael had been missing. From adolescence, we long for companionship. And from the outside, it appeared Michael had that in his family, friends, and fans. But falling in love with Nicole gave him something new. Something that dimmed his star just enough to be seen. To be normal, if just for a short while. With her, Michael was happy, and Bill was hopeful that this weekend would be the reminder he needed.

Driving Laura and Nicole around was fun and light, though he could tell in a familiar way that they were disappointed Michael wasn't in the car with them. When the conversation would drift to the topic of Michael or his project with Diana, Bill was short in his responses and quick to redirect, asking instead about the holidays or Laura's family or Nicole's new school semester. The girls bickered and giggled like teenagers though, unbothered by his dismissal. Bill was grateful they were here together.

Arriving at Michael's condo, they walked slowly to admire everything. The snow and the sound it made when slushing under their boots. The dapper doorman, dressed in a formal coat and wool pants as he greeted them with a smile. The glowing lights and soft music illuminating the elevator as it chimed up and up to the 12th floor.

Nicole's heart began to race as they approached the door to Michael's unit. Laura tugged her friend's arm, still eagerly pointing out details in the flooring, artwork and chandeliers. But none of that mattered to Nicole anymore. The glitz and glamour was meaningless. As long as she had Michael again, she didn't care where they were.

He was flawless when the door opened, wearing all black with a sweater that covered his neck. Like a scene from a film, when a couple first meets and it's love at first sight, she saw his eyes. She felt faint, struggling to keep composed and welcome air into her lungs as Michael embraced her. His arms. Palming her back, Nicole could feel his strength and energy. His hands. He kissed her cheek. Always a gentleman. But Nicole refused to let go, turning him, his cheeks tight in her fingers, until their lips pressed together. Then he chuckled, in that sweet, charming way as she lost her mind and all sense of time to that smile.

Laura: Hi Michael! Thanks for letting me come visit. Where should we put my stuff?

Bill quickly took Laura's bag with a smile and escorted her down the hall to her room, freeing Michael and Nicole to have their moment.

Nicole: You look so good! Gosh, I can't even believe I'm here.

He grinned harder when her fingers flexed, pressing his hair behind his ears in that simple but intimate way. He looked different, stronger and more defined. His skin was clear and bright. Pulling her hands from his face, Michael pivoted towards the floor-to-ceiling windows. He'd gotten used to the open curtains now, enjoying the sight of the sun setting behind Manhattan's skyline.

Michael: Come on, let me show you around! It's small but--

Nicole: I don't care. I just want to see you.

With a firm grip, Nicole's arms slid around his waist. As her eyes closed and lungs breathed him in, she remembered the last time she held him. She was nearly naked in his lap as Michael strummed the strings of a classical melody against her thigh. But now, he was tense-- for just a moment, before holding her in return. Then a soft sigh when he kissed her ear.

Laura: Girl, you are going to die-- there's a bathtub the size of a swimming pool in my room! It's got jets and everything!

They laughed and pulled away as Laura's loud footsteps rounded the corner to approach the foyer again. Nicole looked up, pressing her hands firmly against the torso of Michael's turtleneck to whisper a question just for him.

Nicole: Join me?

He blushed and looked away. His tone was gentle, but seemed to echo.

Michael: I have to go.

Laura: What!? We just got here!

Never hesitating to speak as soon as the words filled her mind, Laura addressed Michael boldly and directly. He took a step back, unable to look Nicole's disappointment in the eyes, so he squeezed her hand.

Michael: I'm sorry. Our crew works best at night, you know? You girls should rest, you've had a long day. Make yourselves at home, and I'll be back before you know it.

Focusing on Nicole, he tugged her fingertips until she stepped closer. He smiled a little, then pressed her hair behind her ear for another whisper.

Michael: I promise, I'll be back as soon as I can.

Raising his eyes to Bill, the men nodded from across the room.

Michael: Bill is staying right across the hall. He'll be here if you need anything.

Nicole: Then who will be with you?

Michael: We'll have Diana's security. I thought you'd be more comfortable with Bill--

Nicole: I'd be more comfortable with you.

He hesitated as all stares remained on him.

Michael: Hey, there's a wonderful sushi spot right up the street! It's a nice walk in the snow, even after dark. By the time you have dinner and relax a while, I'll be back. Okay?

Silence still as they watched the words fumble clumsily from his mouth. His lips pressed to Nicole's cheek for one more reassuring whisper.

Michael: I'll be back soon. I promise.

An apologetic kiss. That perfect smile. He crossed behind his girl to reach the door. In a few quick steps, Bill was at his side, assisting as Michael fitted his coat, flexing the collar up to protect his ears from the chill. As Michael slid a pair of jet black shades over his eyes, Bill's open palm hit tight on his arm. Through the tint of his glasses, Bill's focus was stern and unforgiving.

Bill: Be careful, Mike.

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