Chapter 13: The Third Hokage

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Back at the village, the news of the death of the Third Hokage has created an air of mourning.

The next day at dawn, his funeral was held.

Orochimaru escaped while I was chasing after Gaara. I've never hated being his daughter so much.

The funeral ends. Everyone go their separate ways to their home. Anko-sensei comes with me.

Anko-sensei: "Akia. There are things you still don't know about Orochimaru."

She's right. I barely know anything.

Anko-sensei: "I think it's time for you to know more about what happened in the past. I'll tell you at least what I know."

We go to the dango shop. There we both get some tea and she starts telling me more about Orochimaru.

Anko-sensei: "When Orochimaru was still a genin, his sensei was the Third. He was part of a squad that included a man called Jiraiya and a woman called Tsunade."

Jiraiya... Isn't that the man that Naruto kept talking about and the one who taught Naruto the summoning jutsu?

Anko-sensei: "They were later known as the Legendary Sannin because of their great strength. However, the team began falling apart when Tsunade lost both her lover and her little brother. It was also around then that Orochimaru started conducting secret research using test subjects to uncover and discover forbidden jutsu. It was also around that time that I was one of his students. All the others died because of his experiments. I'm the only one who survived. Not long after, the Third found out about what Orochimaru was doing. He located his secret lab and caught him by surprise. However, Orochimaru managed to escape the village, even though he was wounded."

And that's how he collapsed somewhere where my mother found him.

Anko-sensei: "I thought it was your right to know this."

"Thank you for telling me."

On my way home, I find Naruto sitting on the edge of the balcony in front of our apartments. I go sit next to him without saying anything.

Naruto: "Akki-chan... The old man died to protect his village, to protect us."

I nod.

Naruto: "This just makes me want to be Hokage even more."


Naruto: "Orochimaru... That bastard. Not only did he attack us in the forest, but he attacked the village and killed the Hokage."

"I'm sorry..."

Naruto: "What? Why are you apologizing?"

"There're a lot of things that I haven't been telling you guys."

Naruto: "What do you mean...?"

"Naruto... I want to tell you about who I really am. Promise me you'll listen until the end without interrupting me."

Naruto: "What are...?"

"Promise me."

Naruto: "I... I promise."

This might make me lose Naruto as a friend, but I don't want to hide it anymore.

"Long ago, I used to live happily with both my parents. My mom was once a Kirigakure kunoichi. My father was... Orochimaru."

Naruto can't hide his shocked expression, but he doesn't interrupt me like he promised.

"I used to think that we were a pretty normal family. Until that day when he took me to one of his labs. There, he conducted experiments on me. I have something similar to what is sealed inside you and Gaara."

I don't think that I should give him too much information about the bijuu for now. I don't think this is the time or the place for that.

"While I was being experimented on, my mother tried to save me from it, but Orochimaru killed her for interfering. Later, people found his whereabouts. He hid me and escaped. I woke up alone in the lab, exhausted and drained. I found my way out and wandered around for a while. Some Anbu tracked me down and tried to bring me to Konoha. I was afraid. I was so afraid that I lost control and killed five of them. I was then knocked out and brought to a cell in Konoha. That's where I first met the Third Hokage. He gave me a place to live and food to eat in exchange for my devotion to Konohagakure. He's the one who saved me from becoming a monster. Without him I would've ended up a little like what Gaara was."

Naruto: "The death of the Third has nothing to do with you. You were a victim of Orochimaru just like a lot of others were. It doesn't matter if you're his daughter. What matters is what you believe in and what you choose to follow."

"Naruto... Thank you."

Naruto: "You'll always be Akki-chan to me. Orochimaru's daughter or not."

I feel so lucky to have met such a good friend.

I start walking around the village. Everyone is in black, including me, due to the Hokage's death. While lost in my thoughts, I bump into someone. I look up and see that I bumped into Sasuke.

"Sorry about that."

Sasuke: "Akia."


Sasuke: "What was that in the forest?"

"Like I told you, it's a long story."

Sasuke: "I'm listening."

"...I was a test subject."

Sasuke: "Of Orochimaru's?"


He had a hunch because of my curse mark didn't he.

Sasuke: "We have the same curse mark. How did you get it?"

"When I was a test subject."

Sasuke: "Don't play dumb... Why were you a test subject?"

"I'd tell you... Just don't be too surprised."

Sasuke: "Go ahead."

"It when I was still living with my parents, before my father killed my mother."

Sasuke: "Why did your father kill your mother?"

"Because he's Orochimaru."

He looks shocked. How could anyone not be shocked by hearing that. Just the fact that Orochimaru was able to have a daughter is a mystery itself...

I think I've told all those who had doubts about me. Except Gaara... It doesn't seem like I'll be able to see him anytime soon anyway...

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