Chapter 27: Naruto's Return

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Chapter 27: Naruto’s Return

Another year goes by filled with missions and training. During that year, I learned that Gaara became Kazekage. I was very happy for him, of course. He worked so hard to get there. Of course this means the opportunities to see him will be even more rare, but… as long as he’s happy, I’ll be happy.

I pass in front of Ichiraku Ramen. I remember how Naruto used to love eating there. It’s probably the first place he’ll go to when he comes back.




Naruto: “Akki-chan!”

“Naruto! You… grew up a lot!”

I can’t believe that’s the twelve year old boy that used to play pranks and fool around… He looks so much more manly…

Naruto: “I did, didn’t I! And you are so much more curvy now! You used to be so flat before.”

“Really? I didn’t really pay attention to that.”

Naruto and I catch up and I learn how his journey made him much stronger. A little later, Iruka-sensei takes both of us for ramen. There he tells Naruto about how Gaara became Kazekage. Naruto is a little envious, but he’s much more happy for Gaara. Naruto also tells us how he’s been back since the beginning of the day and how Team Kakashi is now back in action.

After eating some ramen, Naruto and I go back to our apartments. On the way, we talk some more about what has happened in the past two years.

At home, I find myself alone again. However, I don’t feel as alone as a few years ago. I feel loved by all the friends I made in Konoha. I’m also very happy to see Naruto again. It would be even more perfect if I could congratulate Gaara about becoming Kazekage. It would give me an excuse to see him… I guess for now, I should just get some rest.

I wake up extremely early. I decide to go take a stroll outside. While walking on the streets, I see a messenger bird flying in the direction of the decoders’ tower. Isn’t that a Sand Village bird? Not just that, but it’s one of the fastest ones. Did something happen? If it’s an emergency, I’m sure Lady Tsunade will dispatch a team as soon as possible. I should make sure I’m one of those dispatched.

Just as I thought, it’s an emergency. Izumo runs towards me and asks me to go to the Hokage’s office as soon as I can while he looked for more available shinobi.

I have a bad feeling about this. I run to the Hokage’s office. I see her and a message decoder discussing the content of the letter.

Lady Tsunade: “Akia. I’ll tell you what your mission is when more shinobi arrive.”

“Did something happen to Gaara?”

Lady Tsunade: “How did you… Well I’ll tell you about this later. Wait here for a bit.”

A little later, Team Kakashi arrives.

Lady Tsunade: “Good. That’s enough people to take care of this for now.”

Kakashi-sensei: “What happened Lady Tsunade?”

Lady Tsunade: “We received word from the Hidden Sand that the Kazekage has been captured by the Akatsuki.”


No way… It’s not true… Gaara’s going to be fine right? She should’ve told me earlier! I would’ve been almost there by now if I knew Gaara was in trouble!

Naruto: “No way…”

“We should leave, now!”

Lady Tsunade: “Hold it! Your mission will be to assist them and help them as much as you can.”

“What about Gaara?”

Lady Tsunade: “You need to get to the Sand Village first to find out what happened.”

This isn’t happening… We are already late enough! What will happen to Gaara? How can we just ignore that? We should’ve already been dispatched by now!

Kakashi-sensei: “Yes, Lady Tsunade. Let’s go.”

We finally set out and Naruto and I take the lead.

Sakura: “Guys wait! You’re both going too fast!”

Fast? That’s not fast! We are already late enough.

Kakashi-sensei: “If you lose your strength here, you won’t be able to help Gaara in any way.”

“And if we don’t hurry, there’ll be no Gaara to help!”

Naruto: “She’s right…”

We both speed up even more. I feel the Shinju’s power giving me a boost. It looks like the Kyuubi is also giving Naruto a boost.

We make it to the Sand Village in a record time. There, we find Kankuro lying in bed, poisoned.

Sakura takes care of him and the crisis is averted. Now if we could just go after Gaara…

Temari: “We still need to find out their location…”

“You haven’t found out yet?”

Temari: “Look I’m as worried as you! I’m his older sister!”

I think I’m really tense about this whole thing. I don’t have the right to be impatient with her… But the thought of losing Gaara is way too overwhelming. I can’t imagine him… gone…

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