Chapter 35: Weakness

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Chapter 35: Weakness

On my way back to the village, I didn't stop thinking about Gaara and when I'll be able to see him again. What are my priorities now? I wanted to ask Lady Tsunade to give me missions that have connections to Orochimaru... But now I feel like I want to ask her to give me missions that are related to Sunagakure. What am I thinking? Am I really going to forget about my goal? My purpose? I need to get rid of Orochimaru. It'll be good for everyone.

I see the end of the desert. I enter the forest. Something... or someone is following me... They're getting closer... Who would target me? Bandits? Rogue ninjas? I don't see why anyone else would... My curse mark... it's burning... the closer that person gets, the more it burns. It can't be... Orochimaru? There're two people following me. Shuriken are thrown at me from behind. I turn around and block them. I land on a branch.

"Who's there?"

More shuriken are thrown at me. I dodge them and someone tries to kick me from behind. I turn around and block their foot. I look at who attacked me and...


Kabuto jumps back and lands on a branch.

Kabuto: "You've become quite the fighter."

"She's my daughter after all."

From behind a tree, Orochimaru appears. My curse mark is reacting more than ever. This is bad. I need to send a message to Konoha in case something happens to me. I send a summon one of the small snakes from Ryuuchi Cave. This one is known to be pretty fast. I send him to Konoha. Hopefully he'll get there in time.

Kabuto: "A smart move. But it'll be too late."

"What do you want from me?"

Orochimaru: "I'm here to take back what belongs to me."

"I have nothing of use to you."

Orochimaru: "You are of use to me. I didn't quite finish my experiments on you. Many things got in the way of retrieving you. Now, I finally found the perfect opportunity."

"I won't let you get me."

Kabuto: "You're no match against both of us."

We'll see about that... Time for an old friend of mine to appear.

"Summoning jutsu."

Neiko appears from a wall of white smoke. She's become bigger than I ever thought she would. I can't see her head from the tree branches. I look like an ant next to her. I climb up to her head.

Neiko: "Akia. You finally called for my help."

"You talk now!"

Neiko: "Of course I do. I see it's like a family reunion here."

Kabuto: "She summoned a white snake! Lord Orochimaru..."

Orochimaru: "She's grown much more than I thought. However, I've studied the white snake to know what their weakness is."


Orochimaru: "Two can play at that game. Summoning jutsu."

Orochimaru summons Manda, the giant purple snake I met at the Ryuuchi Cave. Him and Neiko are about the same size.

Manda: "Orochimaru. You're asking me to take on the white snake? Are you out of your mind?"

Neiko: "Akia, no matter how much I want to protect you, I cannot go against a fellow snake. You'll have to fight this one on your own as long as there are other snakes involved."

"But, Neiko! I need you!"

Neiko: "I'm sorry..."

Orochimaru: "As I thought. White snakes are loyal to their master, but they feel more responsibility towards the other snakes, considering that they're the strongest type."

This isn't happening. This can't be happening! I don't have enough time to activate my Sage Mode. I'll just rely on my own strength. I extract my sword.

Orochimaru: "So... You want to have a sword battle, my pleasure."

He extracts his own sword. I charge and swing my sword at him. He dodges and tries hit me from behind. I crouch and jump backwards. This time, he charges and takes a full swing at me. I try to block his sword with mine, but he cuts right through the blade.

"My sword..."

His swing wounds me on my right shoulder. I try to get away from him.

Orochimaru: "Many Hidden Shadow Snakes."

His snakes bind me down. Orochimaru then approaches me.

Orochimaru: "You think you had a chance against me? You're just a weak copy of me."

"Stay away!"

Orochimaru: "I can make you stronger."

No I won't let him take me! I don't want to go back to that place! I feel the Shinju's power trying to take over. I won't try and hold it back this time... It's my only hope... My hands start getting covered with wood. I feel so much stronger. I get myself out of the snakes that were binding me.

Orochimaru: "So... My experiment succeeded to some extent."

I charge at Orochimaru try to punch him. He dodges. I keep trying to get close, but all he's doing is dodging. What is he trying to do? I feel the Shinju's power fading. So that was what he was aiming for...

Orochimaru: "Well, that proves that my experiment was not perfect. It seems that it doesn't last for long. I'll have to take care of that."

I feel... faint... This took way too much chakra. Why am I so weak? How can I take revenge on him if I'm that weak? I just hope that Konoha got my message...

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