Chapter 59: Kiba's Move

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Chapter 59: Kiba's Move

"Gaara, you should rest."

Gaara: "I don't have time for that."

"But... It's been two days! You've been working non-stop. You need a break."

Gaara: "The war is not going to wait for me to rest."

"You can be such a hardhead..."

Seriously, he never takes care of himself. He should understand the fact that he's not a machine that can work indefinitely.


Gaara: "You're distracting me."

And that basically means that this conversation is closed and he will do whatever is on his mind. I understand that he's a workaholic that needs to finish all his paperwork to feel at ease later, but at this pace he'll just work himself to death! If I try to talk to him now, he'll just shut me up again. I'm starting to wonder why he even bothered asking me to stay if he won't spend any time with me or even listen to me. I know I shouldn't be complaining, but I'm really worried about him. I've been nagging him the whole day so he's probably a little annoyed. Maybe if I just leave him alone, he'll realize that he needs to rest by himself. I doubt it... In any case, there are a few things that I forgot at in the hospital room anyway. I'll have to leave him for a bit to go get them. I was just so busy worrying about Gaara that I didn't have time to go and pick my stuff up.

"Well... I'm going to the hospital to pick some things I forgot there. I'll be back right away."

He nodded, not taking his eyes away from his paperwork. I let out a small sigh and turn around. Maybe I shouldn't even bother coming back...

Gaara: "Come back quickly."

Did I hear that right? I turn around and catch him glancing at me. He goes back to reading some reports right away though. I guess I will be back then. He actually cares whether I'm there or not.

"I will."

I leave his office and head for the hospital. When I arrive there, I go to the room that I stayed in. I enter and find my stuff, lying there on the bed. All that's there is just some clothes. All my other stuff are back in my room. I go and pick them up, then I hear someone coming in. I turn around and find Kiba.

"Kiba? What's wrong? Why are you here?"

Kiba gets closer to me. I don't like where this is going. I back up and he keeps coming forward towards me. My back hits the wall. He slams his hands on both sides of my face and looks at me. His eyes are filled with... betrayal? anger? I can't quite place it... There's also... something resembling love.

Kiba: "Akia... Why Gaara?"

"What...? What do you mean Kiba? You're not acting normal right now."

My face is pretty emotionless right now, but a lot of things are going through my head. What is Kiba planning to do? Why is he acting this way? I need to get back to Gaara fast. I really don't feel so good around the Kiba that's in front of me.

Kiba starts talking to me with a louder voice.

Kiba: "Why him?? Why not me?? What does he have that I don't have? I've tried to get your attention since we were genin, but you kept pushing me away! Remember in the forest of death when Hinata asked you to tag along? She did it because she knew that's what I wanted! Remember how worried I was when you collapsed in that Sound ninja's stone dome? I was worried sick about you! Yet you never even looked my way! Then when Gaara randomly showed up, suddenly all of your attention was on him! Why is that? Tell me!"

"Kiba... I... I always thought of you as a good friend..."

My emotionless face is starting to crumble. This is not good. I need to get away. I try to push him away, but he just gets closer. His face is way too close.

Kiba: "I want to be more than just a good friend to you. I want to take Gaara's place in your heart. I want you to love me more than you ever loved him."

"Stop it, Kiba! You can't force feelings!"

Kiba: "..."

His eyes are full of pain. I really don't want to hurt him like this, but he's being really pushy right now.

"Kiba... Can you please get away... I'm getting uncomfortable."

I spot Gaara standing in the doorway. He looks really pissed. Kiba doesn't move.

"Kiba! Get away!"

Kiba turns his head around and sees Gaara.

Gaara: "Get away from her."

I haven't heard this tone of voice from Gaara since the chunin exams... His eyes are full of rage. If Kiba pushes him any further... Gaara might do something unforgivable. I can't let that happen.

Kiba: "Make me."

"Kiba, this is not the time to act all stubborn! This is a dangerous..."

Just then I feel a pair of warm lips pressed on my own. My eyes widen in horror as I realize that Kiba just kissed me! In front of Gaara! Gaara's sand is charging right at Kiba! I push Kiba away with all the strength I have and he stumbles to the right. I run towards Gaara who still hasn't stopped his sand. I hold his hands and try to stop him from doing something that he'll regret later.

"Gaara! Please! Listen to me! Don't do this!"

It's no use! He's blinded by his anger!

"Kiba, get out of here!"

He's not moving either! The sand is wrapping up around him. How can I stop this?

Gaara: "Sand..."

Before Gaara could do anything, I press my lips against his. Suddenly, everything goes quiet and the sand that was wrapping Kiba falls to the ground. I pull away from Gaara, who looks at me with bewilderment. Man that was close...

Gaara: "Akia... Why...?"

"You know you would've regretted it later. Besides, Kiba is still my comrade even after all the stuff he did."

I turn around to look at Kiba who has a hurt expression on his face.

"Kiba... I'm really sorry that I can't return your feelings. I'm in love with the guy who's right behind me. I don't think that'll ever change. But, trust me, I'm pretty sure that you'll find the girl for you. Also, I still consider you my friend and I wouldn't want to lose that."

I approach him and give him my hand to help him stand up.

Kiba: "Akia... I'm sorry... I just..."

"It's alright. Just don't do it again."

With that I punch him in the face.

Kiba: "What was that for?"

"That was for kissing me without my permission!"

Lee: "Hey guys, what happened here?"

We all turn around to find Lee rushing in the room.

"You're so late Lee..."

He looks at us with a confused face and we all leave the hospital.

After that day, Kiba didn't try anything on me again. We just remained friends. Gaara also apologized for getting carried away. They're on way better terms now. Kiba told me that he hasn't stopped liking me, but he'll stop forcing it on me. I guess the next five days in Suna won't be that bad.

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