Chapter 58: Decision to Stay

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Gaara: "Akia..."

Gaara puts his hand on my forehead. I shiver slightly under his touch.

Gaara: "You still have a slight fever."

"We still need to go back to Konoha soon..."

Gaara: "There's no way I'll let you go in your current condition. You might as well stay here with me until all the villages assemble for the war."


Gaara: "It's almost time to gather anyway. We'll be setting out for Kumogakure in a week."

"I still need to be with my village in case they need me..."

Gaara: "What about me?"


What does he mean?

Gaara: "What if I need you?"

Gaara... needs me? He would never actually say it out loud like that. It's not like him. Is the approaching war shaking him?

"Of course I'll be there if you need me. Is something on your mind?"

Gaara: "...To tell you the truth, I've been appointed as the Regimental Commander."

My eyes widen at this sudden confession. Regimental Commander? That's huge!

"That's great! I'm so glad for you! You really deserve it!"

Gaara averts his gaze from me. Is something bothering him? I don't see why since he's got such a high position. Then again, it's a huge burden that's for sure. However, I'd only expect Shikamaru to complain about something like that.

Gaara: "I'm... worried."


That's a first. I never thought I'd live to see the day where Gaara would be so openly worried about something. I can't help but find him adorable when he shows me all these different sides of him.

Gaara: "I'm so inexperienced... I don't know if I can successfully lead such a large number of people."

"If they thought you couldn't you wouldn't be put in this position. I mean really, I think they'd know better if you're unfit for the position. The fact that you've been chosen as the Regimental commander just means that you're best fit for it. Don't you think?"

Gaara: "You're a pretty logical person, that's unexpected."

"What do you mean by that?!"

Gaara lets out a little chuckle and takes my hand.

Gaara: "I don't know what I'd do without you..."

We look into each other's eyes. He puts his hand on the side of my face. He starts to gently comb my hair with his long fingers.

Gaara: "Akia... Please stay with me until the war."

He looks at me with a very serious look on his face.


I lower my eyes. I want to stay with Gaara. With all my heart, it is the choice that I want. I just can't help but feeling selfish for choosing to stay away from my village right before the war. Now that I think about it, how am I going to tell Kiba and Lee? Lee will probably be pretty positive about the situation, but Kiba... He'll probably be completely against it. I have to think of a way to tell him...

Finally out of the hospital! I had to spend the night there until my fever went down. I spent it mostly alone since Gaara had some stuff to do in preparation for the war. Kiba and Lee did come by a few times to keep me company until I fell asleep. I still didn't tell them about my plan to stay with Gaara until the war. This war is actually making me a little nervous. It is a war to protect the two remaining Jinchuriki to prevent the revival of the Shinju. If we fail to prevent the revival... I don't what'll happen. It won't be good.

Lee: "Hey Akia! You are feeling better?"

"I'm fully energised."

Kiba: "That's great. We should start heading back to Konoha."

"About that..."

Kiba: "What?"

"In six days, Sunagakure will head towards Kumogakure."

Kiba: "Your point?"

"Her point is that we will be passing by Konoha."


Gaara approaches us.

Kiba: "Why not just leave now?"

Gaara: "Because I want her here. Besides, we planned on stopping by at Konohagakure and setting out together with the Konoha army."

Lee: "That is perfect! Allies uniting and travelling together! What great passion! I support you!"

Gaara: "Then do you agree to have Akia stay?"

Kiba: "If she's staying then so am I."

Lee: "I can't really leave my team either."

Gaara: "I guess there's no choice in the matter."

He looks a little disappointed. I bet he was just planning on having me stay. I take his hand and give it a little squeeze. I smile gently at him with a look that's saying 'It's alright, Gaara. I'm still here.' He gives me a quick smile. Kiba then comes in between us which forces us to let go of each other's hands. He puts an arm around my shoulder.

Kiba: "Well, Akia, I'll be here for you whenever you need me."

Gaara is really glaring at Kiba... This is going to be a long six days...

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