Chapter 40: Letter and New Mission

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Chapter 40: Letter and New Mission

The next day, Lady Tsunade asks for my presence at her office. Is she giving me another mission that soon? I'm still not fully recovered from the whole curse mark upgrade. Let's hope that what she has in store for doesn't require too much effort.

I arrive at her office to find her looking through some papers. She looks up at me and I see some ink on her face. She fell asleep on the job didn't she...

Lady Tsunade: "Akia, you're here. I just wanted to give you this letter. And also give you a little vacation after all that's happened to you. You can have some time off and relax. When I need you I'll send someone to get you. Just stay in the village in case of any emergencies."

A vacation? And a letter? That's not what I expected. I guess I should be grateful for the vacation.

"Thank you, Lady Tsunade. By the way, what's this letter for?"

Lady Tsunade: "It's who it's from that's more relevant to you. The Kazekage sent it and he made it clear that he only wanted you to read it. He seems very fond of you. Did something happen between you two?"

"Uh... Well... It's nothing really..."

Lady Tsunade: "Really now... Well it's none of my business what you two youngsters do. As long as it's no threat to anything, I have no reason to know."

"Trust me, Lady Tsunade, it's no threat."

Lady Tsunade: "Well, off you go now."

I leave her office and head back to my place to have a little privacy while reading Gaara's letter.

A letter from Gaara... I wonder what he wants to say to me. Maybe another mission? But then he would've addressed Lady Tsunade about that...

I open the letter and start reading it:

Dear Akia,

I'm so sorry for everything that's happened to you. I wish I was there. I should've been there. I can't stand the idea of you being hurt. When I heard that you were captured by Orochimaru, I could only imagine the worse...

The fact that we are in two different villages, the distance that separates us, prevents me from being there for you. When we part, I realize more and more how much you mean to me.

There's so much more I want to tell you, but I'd rather do that face to face. I'll grasp any opportunity to see you.

Until then,


Gaara... I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me as well. I don't want him to feel guilty about not being there. It's not his fault. He has his duties as the Kazekage. I would send him letters too but it's too far for snakes and birds are out of the question. I'll have to wait until next time we meet. Next time... I'll be more honest with my feelings.

A few days pass and I enjoy my time off. I relax and have some time alone. I also catch up with Anko-sensei.

Anko-sensei: "So the curse mark is unsealed again..."

"Is there any way to seal it back?"

Anko-sensei: "At this stage, it's out of my hands. It's all up to you. You could learn to control it and use it to your advantage."

"I think I can do that..."

It's risky but this curse mark is all I have left of my father. He gave it to me so that I become stronger. I think it'll do more good than harm or all of his journal entries would've been one huge lie.

The next day, Lady Tsunade summons me to her office.

"You asked for me, Lady Tsunade?"

Lady Tsunade: "Yes, Akia."

Before she could tell me why, Team Kurenai and the new Team Kakashi with Kakashi-sensei enter the office as well.

Lady Tsunade: "Reports came in about Itachi and Kisame being near the village."

The Akatsuki are close?

Lady Tsunade: "Team Kakashi and Team Kurenai will go after them and stop them."

"What about me?"

Lady Tsunade: "Other reports have come in about a fight going on a little further. It seems that one of the ninja involved is Deidara."

Deidara! The man who took Gaara down...

Lady Tsunade: "Akia, your mission is to stand by and report anything that could be helpful to capture him. We need him alive, for interrogation."

Alive... I don't know if I can promise that... After what he did to Gaara...

"Yes, Lady Tsunade."

I go ahead of everyone to reach my destination as soon as possible. According to the coordinates, it'll take me a few hours to reach. I have to hurry or, by the time I get there, the fight could be already over and I could fail this mission. Who would fight with Deidara? And why? If our information about the Akatsuki is right, Deidara won't be alone. The Akatsuki always travel in pairs. Sasori, his previous partner, was killed by Sakura and Lady Chiyo. He probably has a new partner now. I should be on my guard.

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