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The two groups had glared at the tall woman with light blonde hair as she took her place on the open stage and directed her eyes towards the cameras. "This week on big brother, two new groups take the house. Are you ready to enter?" She had turned so that when she asked the second question she faced the group of people standing there.

She got a few whoops and a few of 'why am I here agains.' Courtesy of one Shota Aizawa and Hitoshi Shinso. "In that case the first to enter will be Karma Akabane."

Karma had grabbed his bags and walked in. "Friendly reminder that there are no weapons of any type allowed in the house." Karma stiffened and dropped a bag which fell with a loud clank. "Oops I forgot." He damn well did not forget but he hoped to get away with it. He then opened the door to the hallway. He opened the door to find that no one was standing by it. He hoped to get a nice friendly introduction and also to scare some of them but he didn't apparently. So he instead slammed the door shut and he had guessed the whole house had been woken up.

"Ochaco Uraraka may enter." Ochaco walked into the house. She had been surprisedqhen she saw a bunch of high schoolers running down the stairs in pajamas, with one having a crow onesie. "Sorry we forgot what day it was." The orange haired one had begun to bow in front of her stating apologies. "It's ok?" Ochaco just watched the others walk up behind him and a bunch of other people walk out of different hallways.

"Kaede Kayano may enter." Kaede had jumped at the mention of her pseudonym. She quickly grabbed her bags and shuffled into the house. She had been shocked by the people at the door, but eventually allowed for the warm welcome.

"Hitoshi Shinso may now enter." Shinso just huffed debating whether to brainwash her to get out of this damn mess or to just enter the stupid house. He noticed the cameras and enter the house. His eyes widened when he noticed the amount of people already in the house. His just shifted a little uncomfortably before leaving the group.

"Nagisa Shiota may enter." Nagisa grabbed his bag and walked into the hallway. He took a deep breath before walking into the door. He similar to the others was shocked by the sudden affection. He quickly regained his emotions before spotting a scheming Karma in the corner. He gave the group a few small smiles before walking over to the other and talk him out of whatever he was planning.

"Katsuki Bakugo may enter." Bakugo had grabbed his bag and walked into the house. He was surprised by the attention on the other side of the door but shoved it off and walked to find and left to find a room.

"Irina Jelavić may enter." Irina had worn a black cocktail dress and highs so she would give off the best impression, but she did not expect to open the door to find the majority of the groups were in high school or around the age. "Ah Miss Bitch is finally here." Karma chuckled before getting yelled at.

"Shota Aizawa can now enter." Aizawa has grabbed his bag which may or may not have carried one yellow sleeping bag. He walked lazily to the door and pushed it open before walking through a crowd and trudging to a room.

"Rio Nakamura may enter." Rio had grabbed her bag and quickly shuffled to the door. She pushed it open and happily greeted the previous houseguest. She had made a few friends before the next houseguest had walked in.

"Denki Kaminari will be the last to enter." Denki grabbed his bags before almost running into the house. He couldn't wait to meet new people. When he did open the door he was excited to notice they were almost all about his age.

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