The 'Second' week Pt 2

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Day 5

Hinata has spent the entire day with Suga, Bokuto and Kuroo playing beach volleyball on the courts. The houseguest has opened another outdoor area, which they didn't know about and it had a beach court. Kenma just sat and watched them having nothing better to do. Bokuto ended up on Kuroo's team and Suga on Hinata's. Kuroo eventually dragged Kenma in to set for him. But Bokuto got mad that Kuroo was replacing him and eventually went into emo mode which in all reality no one bothered to get him out of it, they were busy.

Toritsuka joined the game later and the played 3 v 3. Bokuto went on Hinata's team cause he didn't want to be replaced again. It was not a close game. Hinata's team roasted Kuroo's team.

Teruhashi was still dead set on hanging out with the girls but when Haruhi got dragged away by Kaoru and Renge followed them. Nezuko wanted to hang out with the Demon Slayer group so she left. Teruhashi was alone and began to plan how to get Saiki to fall for her.

Saiki has gone back to his house sometime early morning and was spending the day there. Kyoya still wanted nothing to do with the commoners. Giyu was bored so he used the outdoor gym. Aren and Ritsu were also out there. They were holding a competition of who could lift the most. Nendo spent the day trying to find Saiki.

Day 6

Saiki had got dragged into a game early morning. He woke up to Nendo looking for him and dragging him into the living room with everybody else. Kyoya and Giyu also got dragged into it. Hinata had the idea of playing cards and the winner has to assign everyone a dare. Kenma won a good amount of rounds and humiliated Kuroo and Bokuto. Suga won 2. Kyoya won 3. Hinata won 1. Saiki won 2. And Nendo won 5.

Day 7

Bokuto threw a surprise party. No one asked for it. He just wanted to surprise every body. Needless to say everyone (except Saiki) were surprised. Everyone was also dragged into it. Bokuto made sure of that. Kuroo had found the alcohol and was taking shots. Giyu took a few. Inosuke took a bunch before he fell on the floor. Bokuto took one but didn't like the taste. No one else touched them. The night ended after everybody passed out of the floor around midnight.

I am so sorry for the late upload!!! I have been really busy lately with tryouts for my volleyball team. I also am going to change these to every other day because it is getting harder to write with more characters. I also will be making a side book with different characters if you want to see.

Anyways have a great day or night!

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