Same day

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Taking a deep breath, he calms himself down. Green orbs scanning the room his in, the bed his on, the very small cabinet on the wall, and another door next to his bed leading somewhere. Izuku took another deep breath to calm his raging nerves, he looked at his cuffed wrists and the chain led to the wall. The chains were a little long and lay down behind him, he stood up on shaking legs. Why is his father cuffing him? Does his father hate him or is he thinking of him as a failure? Since he has apparently been accused of a crime in UA. 

In the midst of swirling panic of thoughts inside his head, he takes deep breaths and gets to the extra door. Opened up slowly and peeks inside, it was just a small shower, toilet, and a sink. Not big, but big enough for one person. Izuku backed away from the small bathroom, realizing that he's probaly gonna be stuck in this room for a while. But how long? 

There's no way for him to count days since there's no window or clocks in the room. Wait for the clock... Izuku looked down at his clothing. He hasn't changed clothes yet! Which can only mean, he felt around his pockets. He felt the rectangular shape of his phone in the big left pocket of his hoodie. Taking it out he turned the power on and looked at the digital clock, he opened it up and went to settings fast, since he forgot to shift the clock to american insted of Japanese.     

Izuku stared at the time and date, the date had not changed, and the time almost the same. It's late afternoon the same day he got thrown out of UA. Though, for him it felt like two day, which normally would have been if he hadn't gone to America that has a different timetables. So now, another thing to add to the list of miseries of this date, framed, only two people believe in him, mom died, and lastly his weird father cuffing and locking him up in a depressing dimly lit room. 

Suddenly the lock on the door clicked and the door opened, Izuku jumped in surprise since he didn't hear his father approach the room. Green eyes met very dark, almost black green eyes, the dark green ones laid down on the phone. Where the little greenhead realized his mistake. His father sneered at him, fast approached him and grabbed his phone. Izuku desperately tried to get it back. 

"Please don't!" 

However, it was to late. His father broke the phone in two and put both parts into his own pockets. Izuku stood still, not knowing how to react. He was also starting to get tired from all his different emotions and incidents happened in short amount of time. Hisashi pushed him down on the bed again and glared at him. 

"Someone important is coming in about an hour, and you will behave! Do not talk unless spoken to, and no actions, just stay still" 

And his father left the room and locked the door, even though Izuku can't reach the door with is cuffs on. Feeling his head getting heavy, Izuku lay down on the bed and stared at ceiling. His thoughts starting to calm, as he has no more energy to keep them up. His eyelids getting heavier and heavier, not long after, he fell asleep. 

Unbeknowing to Izuku, one hour later his father and another man came into his room. They looked at the sleeping form of the teen, laying on his side both arms next to his head. Hisashi smirked. 

"Easier for you to do your stuff now" 

The other man agreed and smiled wickedly. "Mind if I become one of those who comes back when you have started the business?" 

The father chuckled. "You would get a discount for helping the start of my little business"

The man grinned and stared down at the young teen again. "I'll assure you, boys like this really does turn beautiful when I am done with them. Or would you rather us already calling him a she?" 

Hisashi smiled "As long as get on with your quirk, the sooner he become a she and will be more useful" 

The man nodded, he went over to the side of the bed, crouching down staring the teens face. That seems so peaceful in his bliss of sleep, which will make it easier for him. Normally he makes his clients puts the patient on sedatives when he comes, since his quirk works best when their asleep. But it seems this little fella was so tired he didn't even need it. 

"Well no time to waste, let's get this started" The man said as he pushed his sleeves back, and put his hands on the boy's arms to make skin contact with alle his finger. Hisashi merely nodded and went out of the room, to get the man some water and food to keep his energy up. 

After a couple of hours the man is finished with his work, pretty pleased with himself as well. Not because he thinks his a genius by doing this for people, but this was hist first perfect change. Never beofee has he turned a boy, into such a beautiful, charming girl. Usually they turn out plain, but seems like this plain boy fit a girls face and body better then a boy's. And he is sure he would like to come back and use the discount mister Midoriya has given him. 

"I'll see you again sometime soon, Izu-Chan" 

And the door closed and locked behind the man. 

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