The day after that day

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Aizawa officially want to sleep forever and ever now, as well as a big anger against the others in the facualty. How stupid can people be? Apparetnly very dumb.

He sighed and checked the video again.

Midoriya going in, gets the files, and gets out again. Nothing more, nothing less.

He brings up his phone, sending a text to Naomasa to send him security footages of places around the acedemy, as well as the footage of the files being givent to L.O.V.

There's  a knock echoing in his office, and Aizawa is pretty sure who it is.

"Come in problem child nr 2"

And in came Bakugo, what a surprise  not. He still looks furious, even though a little calmer than before. Except theres something else now. He looked closer at the ash blonde, yup he looks worried and depressed.

"Couldn't  handle the other losers yapping over deku, and i have something to tell you..."

Aizawa arched an eyebrow, and nodded at him to continue. The teen's depressive aura got bigger, if that is possible.

"Auntie Inko is dead"

Aizawa looked surprised at him, so his aunt died... wait...

"Auntie Inko, as in Midoriya Inko?"

The blonde looked at his feet and nodded.

Now this was a problem. A very BIG problem.

Cause now either problem child been taken in by his father or other family members, or he will be sent into foster care system. And Aizawa knows Midoriya is quirkless, since the idiotic self sacrifing blond, and problem sucked at keeping the quirk secret. At least they fooled everyone else, except for him.

"Heard anything about what happened to problem child?"

With furrowed eyebrows and scrucnhed up nose, he answered.

"Apperetnly he's  been sent to America later that day, not even getting a chanche to attend or plan Aunties funeral"

Bakugo was awfully calm, though his face very dark. His knuckles tightens by his sides, and the teacher could her the small pops from them. Aizawa sat there silent, with cold rage shimmering deep down growing stronger and stronger.

"Heard any reason why they send him there so fast?!"

And now Bakugo still face very dark, fisted his knuckles even further, so much that aizawa saw small scarlet drops.

"Apperetnly his ASSHOLE of a father wanted him over there right away. Like he doesnt even care about auntie inko's death! Even worse, old hag has tried to call him or his workers to ask about Izuku. But his not answering HIS GODDAMN PHONE! And his colleagues  always says his busy and can't  talk now and shit like that! CHRIST, none of us even cared about that man, considiring he left auntue and deku alone. Me and deku didn't  even know him, well until now i guess..."

After his outbursts, he went down to small menacingly voice. And Aizawa curses under his breath. From what Bakugo told him, either the man want to make up for his son very fast. Or he's planning something else, not good.

He took up his phone sent message to Naomasa again, demanding information of Midoriya Inko's death. He noticed the other footages he asked about had arrived.

He turned back to Bakugo who stood still, calming his breaths and temper. Then something light up in his eyes, he turned to Aizawa and stared intently  at him.

"What did 'deku' apparetnly steal? Like what type of files?"

Aizawa looked up surprised by change of attitude as well as the question.

"It was students files with drtails about their quirk and behavior..."

"DANG RIGHT! HAH, THOSE VILLIANS SURE ARE STUPID!" The teen cutting his teacher off, and flew out of the office. While mister Aizawa sitting there stunned, before following after the teen right away.

He followed him into the dorm, the ash blonde hurrying off to their rooms section. While all the other students looked confused at the speeding teen, and teacher that came right after. The teacher stopped and sighed, deciding to wait for the teen to head back to the common area. All the other students were there having a movie night, which is paused now.

"What is going on sensei?" Ashido asked curiously. He stared back at all the dtares they gave him, and sighed again.

"Apparetnly Bakugo might have evidence to prove Midoriya innocent, I think"

Some of them scrucnhed their nose, others got sad just by the thought of Midoriya.

"AW HELL YAH!" They a heard from upstairs, then a running echoes from the stairs and the teen came in with a smirk.


He held up a notebook, while everyone gave him confused looks.

"Hand me the notebook" Aizawa demanded right away.

Bakugo handed it over without a second thought, and the pro hero opens the book and checks it's contents. And boi he was in for a pleasent surprise.

In the notebook, Izuku had written all cons and pros of everyone in the class, as well as the teacher. A really indebted analyse of quirk, fighting style, or you can say it had litarally everything. He would have been scared off this child, if he were a villian.

The class stayed quiet waiting for the response, though when they their teacher reaction, they something big were in that book.

The ash blond smirked.

"If the villans have thought this through, they wouldn't  have pulled that stunt. Deku already has information on everyone, and doesn't need those idiotic files to confirm everything right"

Aizawa read his own page and replied.

"In other words, the files wouldn't  have been needed at all..."

Now the class had enough, Uraraka stood up.

"What are you guys talking ahout? What do you mean by deku wouldn't need to get thise files?"

Without a word, Aizawa handed her the notebook. She looked at it and her eyes widened, and she realized right after what had really happened. Her eyes started watering and she fell on her knees, understanding what she had done.

The notebook got passed around, and after awhile. The whole class were full og regret and depression. Aizawa sighed, this has been a very tiring day.

"I will take this to principal Nezu right away and start a meeting" he declared and took the notebook and went outside. Making sure he has everything on his phone to look through with the other teachers.

Hopefully, they won't  be late in getting Midoriya back.

Except, by then, they  were already too late.

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