5th day

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Her whole body is aching, even her insides are aching. She pushed herself off the bed and stumbled into the bathroom, getting into the shower and start it up. The chains clanging and twisting on each other, as she turns around or moves around in the shower. The legs started to give out and she fell to the floor, silently crying. Sitting at the bottom of the shower getting hit by comfortable hot water, she pulls her legs to her and hides her face in them. 

Izuku, or Izuka as her name is right now s thinking about her situation. Will, she ever get out of it, or will she be trapped here forever? Probaly the latter. She knows Aizawa sensei and kacchan is probably trying so hard to prove her innocence. But can they even find her when they are able to do it? Then she thinks about her mother, how much she missed her so dearly. 

And then she thinks about Todoroki's family situation, she guesses they have something in common now. She chuckles to herself, except her situation is way worse than his. Also, his father is trying to make up with his family. Her father, however, will most likely not change at all, her father will stay as an asshole forever. Seeing as his business is most likely deep with villains, and he has been working with villains all his life apparently.  

Yes, she managed to make her clients spill the tea. Who wouldn't in her situation, at least she was able to understand her position better.

Which is not good.

Apparently, she has become popular in the criminal realm. Three days ago, there were only two clients a day. Now, it has been 5 clients just today. Hopefully, not more, her body will not be able to take more.  

The door out in her room opened, she couldn't see who as she is still in the shower. She did not have to wait long, cause in came her father. He stopped at the entrance into the bathroom, stared down at her. Studying her as she sat on the floor looking down, not even wanting to look at him. He snorted "get up".

A simple command from a man, a movement of agony for a teenager. 

She put her hand on the wall, trying to push herself up. Stumbled a little but managed to stay standing, however, her legs were shaking like crazy. Her father chuckled a little at the sight of her, he then walked over to her grabbing a stool from the corner. He put it down and gestured to it, she understood right away and sat on it with her back to him. 

Hisashi directed the water stream on her and grabbed the soaps. 

"So five clients are the limit for a day for now huh"

The fingers started to rub the soap in her still short hair, and she stayed quiet letting him do whatever he wants. After all, she is still not in her right mindset. No, actually her mind is shattered, only bits and pieces keeping her thinking rationally. And she knows she needs to keep herself healthy if the chance of getting away comes. even if it takes years or days, she will do as she is told as well as plan her escape. Of course, she has tried escaping the first days here, but that didn't go well. It even cut down her food and water as punishment, even though it was easy to go around the water problem with the shower. But food? yeah, that was harder.    

He finished washing her hair and started on her body, she flinched hard when he got the boobs. He chuckled again.

"Are you really sensitive there now? you should be used to that touch by now"

Then he went lower and touched around the private hole, a silent sob came out of her throat and her body started to shiver. He snickered and continue washing her. 

After around 10 minutes, her washing was done. Her father had even fingered inside her, in case some cum had gotten in. After all, he doesn't want her to be pregnant, that is one of the rules he gave the clients. Always use condoms, if not, then they lose privileges for next time or never get to see her. Most likely getting killed in some alley later by hitmen hired by her father. 

Yes, her father is rich from his work and his private business of selling his daughter's body.

Hisashi helped Izuka get up and walk over to the bed, she lay down on her side. Making sure her back is to her father, she heard her father going to the door and goes out. Not long after the lock sounded, which is pointless. Her chains stop her before she even can reach the door, but seems like her father is not taking any chances.

She laid in bed for a little while, making sure he is not coming back. She then slipped out of bed, lying to the ground sprawled out, and pushed herself a little under the bed. There she used the underside of the cuff to scrape something on the floor, two words that make sure that keep herself sane. 

Just survive.

After all, she has survived through her rough childhood. Then she should survive this too. 

At U.A

The whole class and U.A faculty have joined the funeral of Midoriya Inko. After the funeral, the faculty got back to their job, of tracking down Midoriya Izuku. What they did not know is Hisashi was in front of them and had already deleted everything about Izuku in America. He had replaced the info with her and his name being changed, so they are not Midoriyas anymore. The teachers though do not know about this. They think they still can find him with help of the American government.

The students have been basting his social media with posts and messages, even tried to call him. They were shocked when they got messages in the calls, about his phone number not existing anymore. And a few days later they tried calling again, but this time someone else picked up. It was a grown woman that told them they had the wrong number, they apologized to her and hung up. Bakugo has been trying to get in contact with Hisashi with his mom, but they always got turned away or banned by the workers on the phone. 

Now the whole class was sulking in the common area, trying to find a solution. 

As well as their guts being filled with dread of everything. They tried to put the puzzle pieces together, which was extremely hard.

What did the league of villains get out of this? why making him get expelled, as well as killing his mother. Yes, they found surveillance cameras of Twice and Togs go into her apartment a few days before the incident. They came out of it full of blood, so Aizawa had speculated with them. Thinking that either Hisashi works with the league, or the league tried to get Izuku into the foster system. Which still doesn't make sense, why would they go so far? Were they trying to make it easier to kill Izuku, considering they wanted him dead a long time. Or is it their way of just getting off him being In their way. 

No matter what their plan was, the class knew Izuku was in a bad place. Even if it is with the league or his father. For now, it is at his father's place, considering what the police told them. And as they aren't getting any answers from both Midoriya's, then there's defiantly something very bad going on. 

A big problem though. 

Is the hero commission not allowing students to help heroes look after him. And the American government won't allow them to send their heroes over there, saying that their own heroes are enough. Plus, the faculty cannot go anywhere as school is still going. 

Aizawa however, is already planning a trip to America as a civilian the summer where the class is graduating and finished with school for good. So that some of them can go with him, and search in American. 

Hopefully not being too late for Izuku by then. 


Sorry for the long wait, I am not going to lie about being a lazy bum xD but i also were working on a chapter on Huntsville, but as u all kept on asking for more, i gave in and thought Huntsville can wait for a little while more, and let's just make one more chapter in this xD. i am also going to go through a surgery next week with my jaw, and won't be able to do very much extensive movement like training, carrying stuff to heavy and more. So i most likely going to do a lot of writing in that period. i also had procrastinated a lot when i played among us with my sister and friends hehe. But u guys r very sweet and i love ya all, and gonna be better, the story is planned out in my head, i just need to write it down in a notebook now to sort timelapses haha

have a nice day u all ^^/

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