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Gaius bowed respectfully as he entered the hall. Uther sat, as per usual, at the head of the long table, and, also as per usual, was eating. The hall was dimly lit and quiet, and the physician's footsteps rang loudly against the stone floor as he slowly paced towards his king.

"Sire, I must speak to you." He paused to see how the other man would react.

"Yes Gaius? Speak to me then." Uther gestured for the physician to do as he wished.

"It is about... it is about Arthur, Sire. And about... his sentence."

Uther stopped what he was doing and swung his head towards his advisor like a bull preparing to charge. "You cannot persuade me Gaius." Although his words were soft, they were laced with determination. "His sentence stands."

"But Sire-"

"He cannot prove his innocence to me, he is overwhelmed by evidence against him, he is guilty of practising magic!" The king shook his head. "Anything else I could forgive..." he muttered.

"Sire, he's just a boy, he doesn't know what he's doing. Perhaps he did change the colour of some flames, that doesn't make him guilty of treason."

"Who knows what he could do in the future? He has broken our laws, he is an ENEMY OF CAMELOT!" Uther shouted, ire rising and his face reddening in anger. He stood and towered over Gaius until the physician could smell the leather of his jacket and the cold metal of his many pendants.

He sighed, his own temper flaring. "Are you saying it's wrong to give a sorcerer a second chance, Sire?" His respectful words barely masked his wrath.

It was Uther's turn to sigh as he lowered himself heavily back into his seat. "That was different Gaius. And a long time ago."

"Was it? Arthur is your son, he is heir to the throne of Camelot-"

"Not anymore."

"Well that doesn't change the fact that he is too young to understand the potential of what he's doing, just like I was! You didn't kill me, Sire, I beg of you to show the same mercy to Arthur!"

"Watch your tongue, Gaius, or I shall be forced to go back on my decision all those years ago. It is treason you speak. Arthur is guilty and, according to the laws of this kingdom, of my kingdom, he will be burnt at the stake."

"Very well Sire. Although I must warn you that if you go through with this you may regret it forever."

"Leave me."

Nodding, the physician strode from the hall, mind spinning. If Uther was so set in his ways, then they truly only had one choice. They must prove the prince's innocence beyond all doubt.

As he neared his chambers, he thought of how he was going to tell Merlin. But he opened the door to an empty room.


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