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As if in mockery of that first fateful day, the sun shone brightly through the windows as the council rushed to assemble. Uther had taken his place on the throne, Morgana on his left and Arthur's empty seat on his right, a constant reminder of the situation. To one side, two guards held Merlin's unconscious form between them. Gwen, standing dutifully beside her Lady's throne, looked everywhere but nowhere at once, her eyes never settling. She was nervous. What if the proof they had found wasn't enough? She glanced at Merlin. She could only hope that his sacrifice wasn't in vain.

Dextrin Taberna, the man who had condemned Arthur, stood facing the council. All awaited the arrival of the Prince. The room had collectively inhaled and seemed to have forgotten to breathe in anticipation.

Then finally the double doors swung open and the guards bowed. Then another pair entered, half restraining, half supporting Arthur as he limped forwards.

He looked terrible. His clothes were blackened and burnt, scorch marks covered his body and face, and his left boot was all but destroyed. The fire must have reached it first, Gwen thought, because Arthur seemed to be having difficulty supporting himself on that foot and winced as he walked up towards the throne.

Upon reaching the front of the hall, the Prince was made to kneel. He glared angrily up into his father's eyes.

The king broke the tense silence. "I have postponed your execution, Arthur Pendragon, on the basis that Morgana claims to have proof of your innocence."

"Was my word not enough to prove my innocence when a peasant's was enough to prove my guilt?"

"I can take no chances. Sorcery must be destroyed."

"And if that means executing innocent people in your desperate need to destroy it? Do you care if innocents are caught up in your own personal battle and destroyed?"

"I do this to protect the people and the kingdom. I do not wish to kill you Arthur. This is the last chance of escape for you. Take it." He spoke it like a command but his eyes begged Arthur to be innocent. He loved his son; he needed him to be innocent. But the kingdom came first and if there was no proof, the law must be obeyed. "Morgana?"

All eyes turned to the King's ward.

She stepped forwards, Gwen stepping up quietly behind her.

"Last night, me and my maid went to where Dextrin," she nodded to the man, "indicated he first saw the sorcerer. We believed that it may not have been Arthur who was practising magic. It was dark, and if their features were similar enough, they could easily be mistaken for one another. Especially if he was wearing Arthur's clothes."

The council gasped, and Uther spoke. "What do you mean by this?"

Following a nod from Morgana, Gwen stepped forwards and respectfully handed Uther the bundle in her arms. He unwrapped it and carefully examined the clothes inside.

Morgana continued.

"We followed the sorcerer to his house, My Lord. There we found these. They are identical to Arthur's, are they not?"

Gwen handed the king an identical bundle, this time containing the clothes she had previously retrieved from the Prince's room.

Uther narrowed his eyes in suspicion. He wanted to believe Morgana, wanted to so badly it ached. But he had to be sure. "How do I know you did not retrieve both sets from his room?"

"Because they are not identical." Morgana stepped towards the king and began fiddling with the clothes. "Here, you see, on the clothes from his room, the emblem of Sutura, the seamstress who created you and Arthur's clothes, but nobody else's."

She picked up the clothes from the sorcerer's house.

"But here, there is no emblem, see?"

Uther was nodding.

"Arthur was impersonated. His guilt was set up. Dextrin did not see the Prince, but a sorcerer in his clothing. Arthur is innocent. He must be released!"

Uther seemed to struggle with himself for a moment as the council held its breath. Then he opened his eyes and nodded to the guards on either side of Arthur.

"Release him."

The guards relinquished their hold and helped Arthur to his feet.

Gaius hurried over and led Arthur, still limping, from the hall. 

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