Pain. It was the first thing Arthur felt when he awoke. The pain was so overwhelming he couldn't determine where it was originating from. And then he realised why. It was everywhere. His whole body was covered with deep, raw burns, each one seemingly alive and screaming for his attention. He groaned. Even his head hurt.
Pushing through the pain, he could feel that he was lying in a bed, not as soft as his own: he was in Gaius' chambers. He'd been in here enough times to realise pretty quickly where he was.
He opened his eyes: the physician's room was dimly lit and night had fallen outside. Looking down, he wasn't surprised to see that he was swathed in bandages. He remembered the fire as it licked at his hands, his arms, his face. He remembered when it burnt through his boot and the pure agony that had engulfed him. He remembered the hopelessness coursing through him.
But then he remembered his father as he pardoned him, as Morgana and Gwen proved his innocence. Closing his eyes, he let his sore head rest against the pillows. It was over now.
Groaning softly to himself again as he raised his head and looked around, he searched for signs of Gaius or Merlin.
His voice was hoarse and his throat dry as he called out. "Gaius?"
No reply.
Then the door opened and Gaius came bustling in, humming to himself. He was preoccupied organising bottles on his table and didn't notice Arthur at first.
The Prince coughed.
"Oh!" Gaius exclaimed, jumping and only just catching a vial that slipped from his fingers in shock. "Sire!"
He hurried over. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine, Gaius, honestly."
The physician raised his eyebrows sceptically. "I doubt it. Let me see..."
He began examining Arthur, reapplying bandages and poultices, which stung more than the Prince cared to admit and he barely hid it with a wince. Every inch of his body seemed to have been damaged in some way.
Gaius informed him that he had only two serious injuries: his left foot was badly burnt and, according to Gaius, may take weeks to recover from, and a huge wound in his right side where his flesh had been burnt away and a gaping hole had appeared in its place. Gaius informed him that he would be lucky to recover from it at all. It was so badly damaged that it may take years to grow back, and was very likely to permanently cripple Arthur.
Gaius could see the devastation and anger on the Prince's face at this news. He vowed to himself that he would not let this happen.
"I'm afraid you'll have to stay here for a week or two, Sire."
Gaius looked away. "You are nowhere near having fully recovered yet; I need to keep an eye on you." In truth he didn't really want to be the one to tell Arthur that he had been left without a servant. "In fact, it's probably better if you didn't leave this room."
"Your leg has been severely damaged, it will take time before you are able to walk properly again-"
"How long?" Arthur demanded.
"With an aid, you should be capable of moving by tomorrow, although not far and not for too long."
"Merlin can help me."
"Ah. Yes. Well. About that. Um. You see..." Gaius broke off. "Merlin isn't here."
Arthur looked worried. "What do you mean, he's not here? Where is he?"
"Even after Morgana proved-"
"And Guinevere."
"And Guinevere. Even after Morgana and Guinevere proved your innocence, Uther still blamed Merlin for defying him. Do you remember?"
"Yes. He saved my life."
"Well after you left, Uther told Merlin that he had committed treason." Gaius sounded angry and a little upset. "Merlin tried to tell him that he had saved your life, but Uther wouldn't listen."
"What did he do, Gaius?" Arthur sounded angry.
"Uther sentenced him to a week in the stocks."
"But it's the middle of the night! Why isn't he here?"
"He... he has to stay overnight."
"What? But how will he eat? Drink? Sleep?"
Gaius shook his head. "I don't know."
Arthur tried to sit up, but the movement caused agony to flare in his side and he lay back again.
Gaius was on his feet in an instant, frowning. "For heaven's sake stay still!"
Arthur sighed. "We can't let Merlin stay out there for a week!"
"We must. He's lucky to be alive, Arthur whatever you do, do not interfere. You will only make things worse."
"And how do you know that?"
"Because I have lived here much longer than you and I have seen things like this happen before. Trust me, unless you want to double Merlin's sentence you will stay out of it!"
Gaius sighed in exasperation. "Please Arthur. Just let your father have his way."
Arthur nodded reluctantly. It was impossible to reason with Gaius without losing. Besides, all he really wanted to do right now was to sleep. He closed his eyes and allowed his mind to wander...

Mistaken Identity
FanfictionA sorcerer on the streets of Camelot laughs in Uther's face and insults his pride. When Arthur is accused of sorcery, will Merlin, Morgana and Gwen be able to save him, or will he be burnt alive before they can change Uther's stubborn ways? A relati...