"Is that not enough for you?"
It was all Merlin heard of the conversation as he emerged into the courtyard. Leaning against the wall for support, he breathed a sigh and collected his thoughts. He still didn't know how he was going to stop this. But Arthur's time was running out and he didn't have long to think.
In fact, Merlin was surprised that Arthur wasn't dead already. Something must already have delayed the execution. Merlin was grateful. It gave him one last chance to save his friend.
Ducking out from the shadows of the rim of the courtyard, he yelled to the king. "You can't do this to an innocent man!"
Silence fell upon the courtyard like a blanket, muffling all sound but Merlin's heavy breathing.
"What is this?"
"You can't do this!"
"Are you challenging my authority?"
Merlin raised his chin. He could hear Arthur shouting at him not to, but he didn't listen. "Yes."
He heard gasps from the villagers.
"Merlin. Merlin, Merlin, Merlin." Uther sighed in fake resignation. "I believe I have already locked you up for consorting with a sorcerer. As to how you escaped is a matter we shall discuss later. I told you then that you were lucky to still be alive. This time, it will not be so."
Gulping, but refusing to back down, Merlin struggled to slow his erratic heartbeat. He wouldn't abandon Arthur now. Not after everything that had happened.
"Perhaps. But I will not stand by and do nothing whilst you cold-bloodedly murder your own son!" Merlin shouted, anger rising inside of him.
Instantly he regretted it as Uther spoke again in a cold, soft, voice. "Restrain him and bring him to me."
The servant didn't resist as the guards grabbed his arms and began to pull him towards the castle. Before he was dragged away, he cast one last glance at Arthur. Then his eyes met Gaius' from where the physician stood in the crowd. The sorrow in the old man's eyes nearly broke his heart. I'm sorry Gaius. He thought, trying to show it to his mentor. Gaius nodded. He understood.
Merlin could feel every eye glued to him as he was brought onto the balcony before the king. At least for the moment Arthur seemed to have been forgotten. Closing his eyes for a second, he thought about what would happen to him if Gwen and Morgana failed. He was risking everything now. Hurry up!
Uther's gloved hand quite literally slapped him back to the present, snapping his head to the side as he was made to kneel.
"What is the meaning of this?" The king hissed in his ear.
"I'm sorry. I wouldn't do this unless I had to, but you're going to kill your own son! Please, you can't do this!"
Uther ignored his pleas. "You show extraordinary loyalty and courage for a servant. Too much. It is not your job to decide whether or not Arthur lives. It is not your job to protect him. Do you understand?"
"Yes but-"
"But what?"
"Why are you doing this?" Merlin chose to avoid the question on the basis that he had no idea what he was going to say. He had no idea what he was saying half the time to the king. His anger and frustration had finally found an escape and he couldn't stop himself.
"Practising magic is wrong."
Uther would never change.
"And sentencing your own son to death isn't?"
The king's anger rose until common sense disappeared from his mind. "He is not my son. He is a traitor and as such he will be executed."
He grabbed Merlin by the collar and pulled the boy towards him until his breath stirred Merlin's hair. "Goodbye Merlin."
Merlin felt panic rise in him as his back was pressed into the stone railing of the balcony. Glancing down was dizzying. If Uther pushed him any further, he would fall. There was no way he could survive.
He thrashed and struggled but the king held him tight. Merlin felt the ground fall out from beneath him as Uther began to loosen his grip. He closed his eyes and waited for the impact of the courtyard below.
But it never came.

Mistaken Identity
FanfictionA sorcerer on the streets of Camelot laughs in Uther's face and insults his pride. When Arthur is accused of sorcery, will Merlin, Morgana and Gwen be able to save him, or will he be burnt alive before they can change Uther's stubborn ways? A relati...