014 my moon

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"Tae, I can't do this," I say as I look up at a smiling Taehyung.

"Yes you can. Jimin is right behind you and Jungkook is just over there," he points to the corner of the huge dining room where Jungkook is eyeing me with an unreadable expression.

"Hana," Jimin calls. I turn to face him and he smiles softly, cupping my cheeks. "Tae knows what he's doing when it comes to training more than anyone. He trained Jungkook, who we didn't know at the time had two abilities, making him twice as strong as the rest of us. Trust us, especially him," he nods to Taehyung.

I sigh but then nod and turn back to Taehyung. "Now, close your eyes an take a few deep breaths to relax." I do as Taehyung instructs and he continues, "think of something that brings you comfort."

Comfort. Not exactly something I've been familiar with much in my life. But, nevertheless, I picture the first thing that comes to mind. The moon. Not the one in the sky though, the one from my dream. The one I named and spoke to.

I nod to let Taehyung know that I've got something and he proceeds to give me his next instruction. "Now imagine you're standing next to the thing that gives you comfort."

I imagine my body moving towards the moon, as if it's standing close to me on the ground. "Okay," I breathe out when I imagine its presence.

I hear Taehyung's breath hitch as if he's shocked, but he hesitantly continues. "Uh, now-now reach out and... and touch it."

His hesitancy makes me nervous. Regardless, I reach my right hand up and gently push it forward in front of me, palm facing away from my face. I feel something soft beneath my touch and I fail to hold back a gasp. This feels so real. I run my thumb over the surface I'm imagining. This is strange, I thought the moon was essentially a ball of rock, littered with craters, it should not be this smooth.

I'm suddenly feeling scared, thinking I've imagined something I didn't want to and it's tricked me by morphing into the image of the white ball in the sky that I love so much.

Then I hear the voice. The one that comes to me. But this time, I know who's voice it is.

"Everything is going to work out in the end." It repeats those same words again, as if that's all it can tell me.

"My moon," I breathe out, bringing my other hand up to touch it. I fail to hear the hitched breath in front of me as I'm too consumed by my imagination.

"Hana," I hear Taehyung's voice but I don't listen.

"Hana!" It's Jimin's soft tone that brings me out of my stupor.

I open my eyes and allow them to adjust to the light. For some reason, I'm no longer stood in front of Taehyung. Now, it's Jungkook's eyes that stare at me with shock and almost... anger? But it's not anger that's directed towards me. No, it feels like he's angry at himself, because his eyes that look into mine are soft. Shocked but soft. But his eyebrows are furrowed, nose scrunched and mouth formed into a childish pout.

"Uh..." I am speechless. How on Earth did I get here?

"Hana, did you picture Jungkook as your comfort?" Taehyung hesitantly asks.

I turn around to find Taehyung looking just as shocked as Jungkook, while Jimin is silently laughing, pointing at Jungkook and occasionally gasping for air. I can't help but laugh at my bother's ability to be completely unaffected by this, as if he knew it was going to happen.

"No, I pictured the moon," I say between chuckles, my eyes still on my brother as I can't bring myself to be reminded of how unusual that was by the look on Taehyung's face.

"But, it's impossible to actually physically touch something in this phase unless your comfort is nearby," his voice sounds more confused now.

"Well, I actually imagined a dream I had about the moon and I... gave it a name in the dream," I begin.

"What name?" Jimin asks, his face no longer stretched into a smile.

"I don't know how I knew this name because, well, it was before I met you but I called the moon... Jungkook."

I hear a small gasp behind me and I instantly turn around to see Jungkook with his hand over his mouth.

"What is it Kookie?" Taehyung asks as he moves towards Jungkook.

Before Jungkook could even remove his hand from over his mouth to reply, the sound of the front door opening reverberated through the entire downstairs floor of the house.

"We're back!"


if you're confused by what is going on here. taehyung is training hana to teleport. the reason why she ended up in front of jungkook is because she wasn't imagining the moon that everyone else sees, she was imagining it to be the voice she hears in her head before she passes out. so i'm guessing you now know who that voice belongs to hehe

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