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"It's been quiet," Jin speaks.

It's been almost three weeks since I came home and we're currently all out in the garden of the new home, which is almost as big as the field at the previous house. We've spent the whole day out here, my six brothers, one of them by blood, and my boyfriend have been strengthening me. Namjoon says he has a plan but he can't tell us until we are threatened, once again, by my parents.

I'm currently with Yoongi, who is teaching me to shoot, when he replies with a hum. "It has. Too quiet. They're obviously planning something; they aren't going to let Hana go that easily. She's a prodigy, something meaningful to them."

"Yeah," I scoff, "just not meaningful in the way I should be."

"Han," Jungkook coos, walking over and wrapping me in his embrace. "Don't worry about what they think of you. You have us," he pouts, kissing my forehead. I blush.

"We're family, Hana. Until the day we die," Jimin adds with a sweet smile before glaring at Jungkook. "And Kook, if you don't get your hands off of my sister while I'm around, I won't hesitate to throw you over the fence," he says with a menacing grin.

Jungkook chuckles and pecks my lips before letting me go. "Jeon Jungkook!" Jimin roars. Jungkook starts running for his life as Jimin chases him around the garden.

"You obviously don't want to make it to twenty-three-" Jimin's yells are cut off by the sound of the door bell echoing through the open back door to the house. We all freeze, except Namjoon, who goes to inspect with caution.

He returns less than a minute later with a piece of red paper in his hands. He holds it up and asks us all to gather around him. "What is it?" Hoseok asks as Taehyung peers over Namjoon's shoulder.

"Twenty-fourth of May. That's eight days away. What does it mean?" He asks, his eyes focusing on the so much on the date that he neglects to read the rest of the note.

"It's a fight. There's an address here. Does anyone know where that is?" Namjoon asks, showing us all the note.

"No, but I can look it up. Let's go inside," Hoseok says, gesturing to the house.

"You okay?" Jungkook asks, walking in beside me.

"I'm fine," I force a smile, not feeling good about this. There's something unsettling about the whole situation. It's not that I don't have confidence in the boys; I have every faith they'll win. I just don't believe it's going to be as simple as a fight. It never is with my parents.

"It seems to be an old, abandoned warehouse about a hundred miles from here. Why would they want to go that far?" Jimin says, reading over Hoseok's shoulder.

"No idea. The more important issue is that they know our whereabouts. I think we all who this is from," Namjoon says, bringing everyone back to reality.

"He's right," Yoongi speaks up. "But they won't do anything. Not after sending this out. It'd be almost too obvious to bring upon a surprise attack. They're too smart for that."

"Are we going to win?" I ask, nervousness coursing through my veins.



i just finished writing the last chapter of this book... might cry. anyway it should all be published by february. there are currently seven chapters left, eight if i add the option of an epilogue, but i'll let you guys decide that...

qotd: what's your favourite hair colour/style that any of the members have had?

mine is probably red tips jungkook or idol jimin

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