020 secret's out

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"This is delicious," I say, smiling at Jin who is sitting across from me. I scoop another mouthful of rice onto my chopsticks as I eye a struggling Jungkook, fighting a losing battle against a slice of pork.

"So, Hana," Namjoon starts, "are you enjoying being around seven boys so far?"

I nod. "I'm really enjoying the company, even though I have it literally twenty-four-seven. It's nice to have someone to talk to - makes a nice change to talking to a wall."

An almost sympathetic laugh escapes Yoongi's lips. We lock eyes and I smile lightly at him. He winks and then turns his head to Namjoon, who is sitting in the chair next to him at the dining table.

"Joon," he says, "can we all go down to the field after dinner?"

"Yes!" Jungkook blurts, a noodle hanging from his mouth, down his chin. I can't help but laugh at the sight, causing him to playfully glare at me.

"Sure, I don't see why not. We could teach Hana how to play baseball!" Namjoon replies, ignoring Jungkook, obviously used to his unorthodox eating habits.

˚✩ ⋆。˚ ✩ °

"Yoongi?" I call out to the man walking next to me. He responds with a hum, signalling for me to continue. "How am I going to show Namjoon and Jin my abilities if we're just playing baseball?" I speak quietly as we walk through the woods to the field; Namjoon is talking to Jungkook just a few feet ahead.

"Well, you can't really use the strength one, unless you're really good at hitting a ball?" He looks to me for confirmation but I shake my head - I've never played any sports before. "In that case, make sure you run very fast. Faster than Jimin and, if you're feeling confident, you can teleport when you're fielding to make sure you catch the ball."

I shake my head again. "We've only tested if I can teleport to something that I find comfort in, I don't think I'm ready for that yet."

"Okay, no worries. Just make sure you're extra speedy." He taps my shoulder as we reach the edge of the field and runs onto it.

"Hana, do you know how to play baseball?" Namjoon asks once we've all gathered in the centre of the field.

"Kind of," I reply, "I've never actually played it though."

"That's okay, you can shadow Taehyung for the first game, or until you get the hang of it." Namjoon instructs. I nod and move to stand by Taehyung's side.

"You ready?" Taehyung says to me. I nod, knowing he means something different to what Namjoon is thinking when he looks over to us, a small smile resting on his lips.

My gaze lands on Jungkook's as I scan my seven friends. There is an element of excitement written on his features as his eyes meet mine. I can't tell whether it's because he's excited to play baseball, to not have to keep all this a secret anymore or something else entirely.

I push the thought to the back of my head as Taehyung taps my arms and waves for me to follow him. I'll ask him about it later.

I get into my position out in the field, Taehyung by my side.

"Okay, so, usual rules apply. No cheating," Namjoon points to my brother. Jimin gives him a playful glare, making sure to show me his crossed fingers behind his back. I chuckle, but get cut off by the blow of Namjoon's whistle.

"Let the games begin!" Hoseok shouts, throwing the ball towards Jin, who has possession of the bat.

Jin hits the ball with impressive strength and it comes flying in mine and Taehyung's direction. Taehyung turns his head to the side momentarily and looks at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Run," he says as he turns back to face the ball flying over his head.

I take off, running away from my position as fast as I can, making sure to run faster than Jimin, who is coming at the ball from the other side of the field. He set off a lot sooner than I did, having farther to go. But that doesn't stop me from reaching the ball before him.

Just before it reaches the ground, I lunge forward and skid across the ground on my back, catching the ball in my hands.

Instantaneously, Jungkook and Taehyung scream, running towards me before tackling me back to the ground, just as I manage to get back on my feet.

"Guys," I laugh as Taehyung tickles me and Jungkook attacks me by squishing and pinching my cheeks. "Let go!"

Taehyung laughs, throwing in a snort as he clambers off me. Jungkook also gets off me and grabs my arm, helping me stand. I brush off my jeans, the only trousers other than sweatpants that I packed in my backpack before I ran away.

When I look up, Yoongi and Jimin are smirking and Jimin looks almost proud, Hoseok's eyes are bulging out of his head, Jin's jaw is on the floor and Namjoon looks... blank.

Wait what?

"Uh..." I force out an awkward chuckle.

"You told her," Namjoon looks to Jungkook, who immediately points to Taehyung. "Of course," Namjoon sighs, turning his attention to Taehyung.

"Sorry Joon, but what did you expect me to do. You know I hate lying," Taehyung defended, muttering the last part.

"I know, Tae, but Hana's safety is now at risk," Namjoon says, inching closer to us.

"Why?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter, we'll protect you," he answers, changing the subject immediately after. "So, you're another speed ability, huh?"

I nod. "Among other things," Jungkook corrects. "She's a triple threat," he adds, seeing Namjoon's confusion.

"That's right," Yoongi chimes in. "She can also teleport and is fucking strong."

"My sister's so cool!" Jimin blurts, making Jungkook and I laugh.

"You knew?" Hoseok asks Yoongi.

"I was going to tell you, I promise. You were playing cards with Namjoon when we left for the field and we got called for dinner as soon as we got back so I didn't have time to," Yoongi explains, receiving a sullen nod in response from Hoseok.

"Congratulations Hana," Jin says, who is still trying to get his head around what just happened.

"Well, I'm happy you found your brother, Hana and I'm glad you're enjoying your newfound power. However, you cheated, which is against the rules, so I'm afraid that's it for tonight, folks," Namjoon smirks when he receives groans from his friends. "Let's go home."


this is honestly one of my favourite chapters. the family bonding really shows here and i just love the whole atmosphere. but don't be fooled, this is the calm before the storm...

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