029 slow

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It's been two days since Jungkook and the others rescued me. He used his powers to heal me enough so I no longer feel any pain, but told me I deserved to rest, that being the only reason why I wasn't completely healed.

Jungkook has stayed with me the whole time during these two days. I've never been more thankful to anyone than I am to him. Every night, my sleep is interrupted by nightmares and he is right by my side to comfort me. Jin has been checking on me frequently, bringing me food and medication three times a day. Jimin and Taehyung visit between training sessions to make me laugh and keep me company while Jungkook goes and trains with Hoseok. Yoongi even came in once to share his food with me, which shocked Hoseok to the core when I told him when he came to visit later that day. Namjoon has only visited me briefly once. That was when Jungkook healed me two days ago. I understand though; he's busy and I'm probably least close with Namjoon out of them all.

My thoughts are interrupted by Jungkook swinging the door to his room open. He insisted I move into his room and out of Taehyung's while I'm rehabilitating. He says it's so he can take care of me but I think he just enjoys my company.

"I'm back!" He sings, making Taehyung, Jimin and I laugh. The two older boys stand up, saying their goodbyes to me, along with promises to come and see me later to say goodnight. I wave and nod and they take their leave, shutting the door behind them.

"Hey Kookie. How was training?" I ask as he glides over and takes a seat on his bed beside me.

"Good. Hoseok taught me how to shoot with a bow and arrow," he smiles, imitating said shooting.

I chuckle. "Oh, so you went old school, huh?"

He nods, then turns serious. "Namjoon says we need to learn to use a wider variety of weapons than just guns and knives. He's convinced that won't be the last time we have to save you." My face falls. "They want you back Han, but we won't let them. I won't let them take you away from me again," he promises, taking my hand in his.

"You sure are protective of me," I tease, trying to lighten the situation.

"Of course I am. Wouldn't you want to protect the things you love?" He questions.

"Oh, absolutel- wait what?"

"I like you, Hana. I really do. There is this unexplainable attraction I feel towards you and it's strong. Stronger than I can describe. I'm not telling you this because I expect you to feel the same. I'm just getting this off my chest as a promise to you that I will protect you with my life," he admits, making my heart sing with an indescribable emotion.

I nod. "Okay."

"What does that mean?"

"It means okay. I agree, there is something between us and, although I'm not entirely sure what that is yet, I'd like us to find out... together," I reply with a soft smile.

He beams, his perfectly straight teeth on display for the world to see. "So, we take things slow?" He asks, rubbing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.

I nod again. "We take things slow."


things are blossoming and it's not even spring yet... i'm sorry that was lame

so ummm... today's run episode caused a baby boom apparently

 today's run episode caused a baby boom apparently

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