𝐃 | ♫︎ 00.01

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"There are too many boys, I'm outta here."


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"I CAN'T ANYMORE" I groaned when I closed my locker door. I looked over at Ruby who just rolled her eyes at me with a laugh. "I worked on my homework all night, and it feels like my legs are gonna give in out of exhaustment."

"And that's why I don't make homework." Ruby shrugged as I raised an eyebrow at her.

"How can your grades be that good then?" I wondered out loud, causing Ruby to chuckle softly.

"Because I'm smart." She smiled cheekily. "Anyways, how's it at home?"

"Well," I started. "let's just say that living with my brother and his best friends plus bandmates, never gets boring." I stated with a laugh. "They were blasting music last night and arguing about who the real 'girl magnet is'." Ruby started to laugh too, shaking her head lightly since she has come over very often.

I only live with my brother Zion, and his four best friends with who he is in a band with;


They are really good and their fanbase has become pretty big actually.

Before I moved in with my brother in LA, I lived in Canada with our parents and our younger brother, Elom. Our older sister, Kekeli moved in with her boyfriend not long after Zion left.

But I wouldn't actually call it 'living' what I did back in Canada since our parents sent me to a boarding school when I turned eleven,

quite young from my perspective.

I attended the school until I was almost seventeen years old and then moved to LA to my brother since I really hated it there.

The reason I was the only one from my siblings who had to attend a school like that is because our parents didn't like the fact that I was into fairy tales and love. Especially love at first sight things and dreams about a prince charming. Our parents told me I was getting too much 'distractions' and that I was given false facts, so they took them away from me.

"Love doesn't keep you alive, it keeps you distracted from your real goals in life. If you wanna make it out there, than you gotta be able to see the difference between 'what's good for you' and 'what's not'. Love makes you addicted. One taste and you're doomed forever."

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐒 ♫︎ jra [✓]Where stories live. Discover now