𝐓 | ♫︎ 00.10

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"What's the real deal between you and love?"

"What's the real deal between you and love?"

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°one days later


I wrote a line down in my songbook as I sat on my bed with, guitar in my hands.

"That's why I was shy at first." I sang softly. "But I-I..." I sighed when I got stuck, closing my eyes. Suddenly, a face popped up in my head, the next sentence just slipping pass my lips before I even realized. "But I finally worked up the nerve." I smiled and wrote it down.

"Jack, bro, we're leaving." Zach knocked on my door. I looked up, nodding. "Watcha writing there, buddy?" I quickly closed my songbook and shrugged.

"Nothing important." I lied. He simply nodded, letting it slide easily. "But let's go." I got up, put my guitar away and followed him downstairs, meeting Daniel on the staircase.

"Great, we can go." Jonah clapped his hands together and grabbed the keys, Corbyn standing next to him. "We're heading to the Prettymuch studio by the way." We each nodded and took a seat in the car, jamming to the music while Jonah drove us to the studio.

As soon as we arrived, we headed inside and searched for the studio we had been in for a few times.

Finally finding it, Daniel knocked on the door and a smiling Brandon let us in.

"Come in guys," he chuckled as we all got inside, coming face to face with Kenia and Zion wrestling on the ground. "don't mind them. Zion was teasing her." He shrugged, noticing Nick was recording them, but he just playfully rolled his eyes.

"What's up boys?" Austin waved at us when he put his guitar away. He got up and came to us for a handshake.

"Good, and you?" Daniel asked him after their shake.

"Pretty good yeah, the Kuwonus are a great entertainment." He chuckled after he did the handshake with me.

"We can see that." Corbyn chuckled too, watching Kenia smack Zion full in his face with a pillow. "Hey, Nia." She looked around confused, Edwin pointing at us. She spotted us quickly and smiled a bit while Zion laughed.

"Great timing." He smirked, causing Kenia to turn back to him and smack him again.

"Shut up." She mumbled and got off him and the ground, taking a seat next to Edwin as she crossed her arms in a slightly annoyed manner.

It looked cute though.

"Sup guys? Came up with anything new for our song?" Zion asked as he got up with some help from Austin. Daniel shook his head.

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐒 ♫︎ jra [✓]Where stories live. Discover now