𝐘 | ♫︎ 00.09

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"Why would you think I
like her?"

"Why would you think Ilike her?"

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°two days later



"You're being awfully quiet." Ruby stated through Face Time as she inspected me. "Again." I simply shrugged.

"Don't know what you're talking about." She rolled her eyes slightly and sat up from her bed.

"Where are you with your head? You have been like this for the past two days or something where you just zone out." She spoke.

"I'm fine, just exhausted." I simply replied with a shrug again, giving my attention to my thoughts again.

Why do I keep feeling so weird?

"Mhm." She just looked at me, waiting for me to say something until she noticed I was close to zoning out, again. "Kenia." I flinched and looked at her.

"Yes?" I asked confused. Ruby sighed.

"You're a lost case." She told me as she started to lean on the palm of her hand. "So anything interesting happened the past few days?" My thoughts went to one particular event.

Jack Avery, two days ago.

Hanging out, skateboarding, eating, thunder, lightning, staying at his and the boys' place, hugging him multiple times, falling asleep in his bed and even cuddling with him-

It all confuses me so much.

I never let a guy- other than my brothers and father- hug me longer than five seconds.

And the brunette had his arms wrapped around me for the entire night.

And to make it even worse, I actually enjoyed it.

And that's not how this works.

Plus, I feel weird and have mixed feelings that I don't quite understand.

And I don't like that at all.

"Kenia!" I jumped up, dropping my phone on my bed. "You gotta stop doing that." I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

"I know." I yawned, turning to the clock.

Half past six in the morning at a monday while I have a school break.

What the fuck am I doing?

"I hate you by the way for making me call you this early." I mumbled, thinking of all the dreams I could have right now. Ruby rolled her eyes playfully at me.

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐒 ♫︎ jra [✓]Where stories live. Discover now