𝐑 | ♫︎ 0.04

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"Hey there pretty brown eyes, whatcha doing later tonight?

"Hey there pretty brown eyes, whatcha doing later tonight?

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AFTER THE PILLOW fight the whole studio was a mess. But that's also because the rest of the boys joined Zion and I.

The guys soon went back to work while I decided to clean the studio a little.

I have nothing better to do anyways.

I put all the pillows back on its place, got rid of the empty cups, folded the few sweaters and hoodies from the boys- which were laying around- and put them on a chair since a few of the boys got hot and decided to take them off, leaving them with a shirt under it, or just their bare chest.

I looked around me before dropping myself on a random couch.

It's still a bit messy, but it are boys.

What else do you expect?

I grabbed my phone and AirPods, turning a random playlist on and soon fell asleep.



I STRUMMED A BIT on my guitar while Daniel tried to match a line we wrote with a melody, together with Brandon.

"Ugh, I hate this." He let out frustrated and sighed, laying his head back in the beanbag in our booth. Brandon chuckled.

"Yup, but we just gotta find a good start. Then it'll all be easy." Brandon mumbled a few simple words to himself to work with, strumming his guitar. But he got stuck soon after too. He messed his hair up and rubbed his face. "If we just had some good lyrics, or one perfect line."

Daniel and Brandon kept on getting stuck with the melody while my eyes scanned the room out of boredom, my gaze falling upon one person in particular.


God, she's beautiful.

I smiled a little to myself, seeing her at peace and sleeping through all the noise, is very impressive.

A shame that she doesn't believe in love though.

My fingers went back to my guitar again, a soft melody coming to excistence. I closed my eyes when a sentence suddenly coming to my mind.

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐒 ♫︎ jra [✓]Where stories live. Discover now