𝐈 | ♫︎ 00.07

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"Try again, loser."


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I burried my head in my pillow and sighed happily.

I absolutely love sleeping.

"Nia!" I heard and next thing I know I felt a huge weight on my bed and body. I groaned and looked up, meeting two brown eyes in the progress.

"What, Zachary?" I sighed and burried my head in my pillow again, cuddling more into my bed sheet, not even bothering about thoughts like,

why the hell is Zach here?

"I told you she isn't a morning person." I heard Zion's voice from a little distance.

"Shut up." I mumbled and tried my best to fall back asleep again.

"Oh, come on grumpy, where's that smile?" I heard Daniel chuckle.

"That smile is out of stock at the moment. Please come back at another moment, thank you." I flipped them off in the hope they'd go.

But when is luck ever on my side?

"We come all the way to visit you, and this is what we get?" I heard Corbyn fake scoff.

"All the way." I scoffed back. "Don't be such a drama queen, Corbitch." A few laughs were heard.

"Okay, who told her about that nickname?" Corbyn asked the others in my room. They started laughing and arguing in a fun way when I felt a new weight on my bed again.

"Hi," I opened my eyes and met Jack's brown eyes. "how are you?"

"I'm fucking fantastic." I let out and he chuckled, rolled his eyes playfully.

"And I thought I wasn't a morning person." I chuckled quietly before closing my eyes again. I didn't even need to see it to know that Jack just laid down next to me on my bed.

"What are you doing?" I mumbled tiredly.

"I'm accomponying you." He stated simply.

"How great." I spoke in a sarcastically and sighed. "Could you at least be quiet then?" He hummed so I took that as a 'yes'.

In a few minutes, the noise in my room was gone so I guess that the boys left my room, except for Jack.

As long as he lets me sleep, I'm fine with it.


I cuddled myself more into the comfy pile next to me.

It was comfortable, yet hard.

I didn't mind much so I decided to let sleep consume me again until the pile- I half laid on- moved.

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐒 ♫︎ jra [✓]Where stories live. Discover now