Chapter 2 (First Impressions)

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3rd Person

Hebijo Grounds

Y/N and Haruka were walking through the admittedly open Hebijo grounds to the building that resided in the distance, this was the main school of the building and was the location in which Haruka was taking Y/N in order to meet up with the Elite Shinobi's teacher. Rin Suzune.

Y/N and Haruka were partaking in small talk on the way to the building as they walked slowly with Haruka's "Dogs" trailing just behind, they talked about the journey that Y/N had to arrive at the school as well as how long Y/N had been in training as a shinobi. However Haruka changed the subject back to Y/N's previous school.

Haruka- "Y/N i appreciate you being honest about my questions and so i wish to confirm one fact with you"

Y/N- Puzzled "Sure what's on your mind?"

Haruka- "If im not mistaken you were a part of the Tokyo Branch of the National school for Good Shinobi correct?"

Y/N- "*Exhale* yeah..." Y/N sounded upset upon hearing his old schools name

Haruka- "Don't misunderstand dear, it is no problem we accept all shinobi from all walks of life here at Hebijo, many shinobi here were once good shinobi who for one reason or another had to abandon the path of good."

Y/N- "Thank you Haruka, means a lot. Truth be told i was nervous traveling here"

Haruka-"Why is that" She moved closer and pulled your right arm between her breasts before looking straight at you "were you intimidated attending a all female Shinobi school?" A devilish smile appeared on her face "you dont have to be scared of Little old me, I don't bite"

Y/N-"Nah i'm not to bothered about attending a all girl school, whats the worst that could happen, school wide harem, nope i was more worried about the whole good shinobi thing" Y/N planely stated while pulling your arm from Haruka's breasts as she appeared shocked briefly before regaining her compusure.

Haruka- "You always speak your mind it seams, this is good darling *Chuckling quietly*" Haruka then turned to look at the dogs who seemed jealous of all the attention that you were getting. "Relax you mutts, i said i will punish you later no?" This caused them to perk up "So the quicker you finish the quicker,We . Can . Play" The dogs ran on ahead.

Y/N- "Wow. You have them wrapped aorund your finger did you brainwash them"

Haruka- "No,No dear i simply took them prisoner and rewarded good behaviour, they did the rest" Suddenly Haruka outstreached her hand in order to stop you, as you were in front of the main building. "I will show you to the room in which the introduction will take place and then i will show you to the elite shinobi quaters i only need to check that Rin is ready for you."

Y/N- "Thats fine"

Together Y/N and Haruka walked inside of the building, leading through a series of corridors as it seemed everyone stopped what they were doing just to see the new guy.

Y/N- "Guess im popular already huh"

Haruka-"Indeed i believe you are" as Haruka threw a smile towards Y/N. Haruka then pointed to a set of chairs. "Wait here if you please, i'll tell you when Rin is Ready for you."

Y/N- "OK"

You took this time as you waited to inspect the wound under the bandages on your wrist, it was not bleeding anymore luckily, however it was still some time away from healing properly. The wound was only around 2-3 weeks old but was having difficulty healing properly due to a poison from the beasts claw.

You quickly put the Bandages back as you heard Haruka's return

Haruka "Rin will see you now"

Interview room

Rin- "Hello again, Y/N i trust the journey here was not too tedious for you"

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Rin- "Hello again, Y/N i trust the journey here was not too tedious for you"

Y/N-"Tedious yeah, tough not so much- i felt like this places defences were lacking"

Rin- "We did send some smaller shinobi squads to track you but i guess you avoided them"

Y/N- "Huh guess i did"

Rin looked out the window "I'll keep this brief, i know you know of the Yoma, here you will be trained to fight them, so that you can avenge all of those you have lost to them. You are the only shinobi here who has faced a Yoma and survived to tell the tale" She looked back at you" do you know just how lucky you are?"

Y/N- looking down "yeah other than myself there was only one survivor in the school"

Rin- "I could never begin to forgive those who abandoned your school in your time of need, the first wave of reinforcements refused to help, they were scared of the yoma. But i know that you in particular paid a heavy price, that wound on your hand wont ever heal, not properly anyw-" Y/N cut her off.

Y/N- "Do you know about my guardian?" you inquired.

Rin-"What of it?"

Y/N-"The Yoma took it"

Rin-"Took it?"

Y/N-"Yeah a powerful 10ft tall yoma with 5 eyes on its head, had spider like legs on its back, a scorpion tail and claws that were around 1.5 inches long. Its body almost looked smokey like it was not all there. Said that it was Shin"

Rin-"Are you sure?, Your not lying?, Did it say anything else?" clearly startled by the name alone

Y/N-"Why would I lie?, No i didn't Hear anything else as i passed out soon after"

Rin-"Y/N we will continue this later for now get some rest, I have a call to make"

As you stood up to walk away Rin grabbed your hand, and looked into your eyes.

Rin-"and remember evil accepts all"

Y/N-"Thanks, i guess"

You walked out of the room.

Haruka-"How did it go?" she said curiously

Y/N-"Not bad could of been better"

With that you headed off with Haruka to the Shinobi elite dorms where you would meet the rest of your team and your new life would begin.

See you in Chapter 3

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