Again we Go

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Samus: woAh woah oh
Samus:r-r-r-roll up to the party with my crazy pink wig

Robin: not this again

Palutena: but I can't through the door because my booty's too big

Roy: 1%✌️is human 😳 99 😁is plastic 💅

Marth: just a sec I gotta fix my lips 👁👄👁

Peach: mm yes make fun of him it's what he deserves
Peach: anyway it's summer time bitches

Ike: I don't like where this is going

Peach: shut up sweetie lemme speak
Peach: time for a vacation

Palutena: oh gee I wonder where we're going

Claude: okay but fr if we going somewhere can it be the lake kingdom

Peach: no❤️

Claude: I hate you

Peach: love ya too babe
Peach: we going to isle delfino

Everyone, who were cramped in the living room, looked up from their phones and looked at Peach. Then they scooted away from her. She frowned.

Peach: no murder

Lucina: never forget❤️

Pit: but we already went to isle delfino in tp,oh

Peach: shhhh child you have no say in this

Pit: why

Peach: because you are a baby

Pit: I'm 13...

Link: okay but pit how are you understanding this you can't read

Pit: robin taught me to a bit

Robin: don't remind me of those days
Robin: those painful, horrible days

Lucina: why were they so horrible pit's a sweetie

Pit: I have no attention span

Lucina: oh
Lucina: sorry robin

Peach: okAY back to vacationing

Marth: we taking a private jet again

Peach: yea

Marth: okay then I'll start packing

Peach: are y'all like... not surprised at all-

Samus: at this point, nothing you do is a surprise, peachy dear

Peach: yikes, I gotta get better at planning then

Zelda: should we really travel? I mean there's a world wide pandemic occurring I don't think this is a good idea

Peach: Zelda, sweetie, that's in the real world
Peach: it don't affect us
Peach: let them be jealous we can enjoy our summer

Zelda: little mean but okay I suppose

Roy: so should we actually start packing or-

Peach: yea we leaving in like an hour

Samus: oh my gODDDDD have you ever heard of something called telling us in advance

Peach: teeheehee woopsie

Roy: welp, here we go again

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