𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 2

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Destariya threw open the doors "We're back!"

The Elites were greeted by multiple people as we walked up to meet Jorge while they were walking they meet Brenda.

"Glad you lot are okay," She told them.

"Cheers Bren glad this place hasn't blown up" Destariya joked.

Brenda laughed and walked with them. "You know we have a group currently held up above the pit" She informed us.

Dominic laughed loudly "Oh I love seeing people hanging about the pit"

Zander nodded "Yeah who are they anyway?" He questioned.

She just shrugged "Some people from Wicked saying they are looking for the Right Arm" They carried on walking till they got to Jorge's office. When they entered he was pulling wires out of different equipment.

"Going somewhere?" Destariya asked.

Jorge turned around "Oh good you lot are safe"

"Yeah, we are but don't change the subjects where are you going?" Destariya asked again.

He started picking up things and putting them into a bag "We all are. Pack what you need but do it quietly"

"Where exactly are we going?" Brenda questioned.

Jorge stood up "It's real Bren. Just like they told us and those kids are out tickets the right arm cant turn us away so go now"

"Jorge are you sure?" Ivy asked.

He nodded. Zander and Dominic went off to pack our stuff while Destariya, Ivy, and Brenda stayed to talk to Jorge. Destariya could see Brenda was annoyed her eye started to twitch and it made Ivy extremely nervous she never did like people shouting it reminded her of her training at Wicked.

"So what you're just gonna give it all up everything you've built?" Brenda asked angrily.

Jorge started to raise his voice to match hers "There's no future here. What happens when another gang finds this place and the Elites are out and I can't protect you"

"I don't need you to protect me" Brenda snapped.

Jorge started to place boxes down "What happens if you get the Flare what are we supposed to do? chain you up watch you turn? Get Riya to burn your body out of pity? Put a bullet in your head is that what you expect of us?" Ivy was getting more and more worried to the point her eyes started to go glassy.

"Stop it both of you" Destariya shouted. They both looked at Destariya with shock but before anyone could say anything a helicopter was heard overhead

"Good evening" Jansson's voice filled the room "This is the word catastrophe killzone department we have your compound completely surrounded. You find yourselves through no fault of your own in possession of wicked property return them to us unharmed and we'll consider this a simple misunderstanding. Or you can resist and every last one of you will die"

They all froze "Are they here for us?" Destariya asked.

Jorge shook his head "No they are here for the group we took in Brenda, Ivy go get the kids"

"What are you going to do?" Ivy asked.

"I'm going to play 'em my favorite song," Jorge told them. Ivy and Brenda ran off leaving Destariya and Jorge.

"What do you want me to do?" She questioned.

"Go find Dom and Zander," He told her. Destariya nodded and ran to the two. When she got there they were almost done Dominic turned around to see her fear was evident in his eyes.

"Are they here for us?" He questioned.

She shook her head "No they are here for the new group that came in" They carried on getting their stuff and ran back to Jorge's office his music playing loudly in the compound. By the time they got there people were ziplining out of the window, Ivy ran up to them.

"What took you so long?" She questioned.

Zander hugged her. "Sorry Ivy just had to get everything" Both Zander and Ivy started to go down the line when Brenda ran away from the window followed by another person.

"Brenda, what are you doing?" Destariya asked while following her. She was looking franticly around in a draw. Dominic got down from the window and followed them around the room Wicked soldiers started to shoot at them so they started to run away with another member of that group Destariya turned around for a second to see who it was. "Thomas?" She questioned.

She looked at the boy with shock and the boy returned her look. "I remember you from my dreams who are you? Why are you with these people?" He questioned.

They carried on running. Explosions could be heard through the compound Destariya and Dominic stopped to look over everything

"Hurry get underground we'll talk about this later" Destariya told him.

Thomas stopped "What about you two are you coming?"

"It doesn't matter just go!" Dominic shouted. Brenda and Thomas jumped to the elevator while Dominic teleported Destariya out of the compound they landed safely away from the burning building.

"They got away right?" Destariya asked.

He nodded "Of course they did"

They caught their breath for a second and Destariya pulled out her keys "It should be easier to find the rest if we use the truck" Dominic nodded in agreement as they ran in the direction of the abandoned building. "Told you parking further away would come in handy" Destariya commented.

He rolled his eyes "Yeah yeah whatever let's just find the group"

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