𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 7

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"𝙸 𝚝𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚎 𝚞𝚙"


Dominic joined Destariya at the top of the bridge "So happy reunions?"

"I've had happier," She told him.

He nodded and smiled at her "So... Thomas?"

"Yeah, he recognizes me from his dreams. He doesn't know me Dom" She told him.

His smile instantly dropped as he pulled her into a tight hug. "Oh, Riya" He pulled her in tighter. They held onto each other for a bit until Dominic spoke up again. "So we have Wicked on our backs again then?"

She nodded "Seems that way"

"Riya will you promise me something?" Dominic asked

She nodded at him "Of course"

"Promise me that no matter what happens next you won't let them take me" Destariya was taken back in her eyes Dominic was always a strong person despite not having a power to protect himself and seeing him in front of her look so vulnerable hunt.

"I promise Dom and if they do I'll burn them down to the ground," She told him.

"Thank you anyway let's just keep watch for tonight," Dominic told her. They got in their spots and pulled out their weapons waiting for the sun to rise again.


"Hey, Dom I've got a lot of cranks on my end," Destariya told him.

Dominic cursed under his breath "We've got to get the others into the car and get out of here" They rushed down to the others who were still sleeping. "Get up! Everyone hurry up" Dominic shouted at everyone.

Zander and Ivy woke up first "What's happening?" They asked.

Destariya pointed off into the distance where thousands of cranks seem to be running. "Jorge get people in the car Dominic, Zander you get in the back with some of the others try to keep the cranks off our backs Ivy you stay close to me. Till then protect the car while people get in"

They all nodded and did the jobs she asked them to do but the cranks got too close and it was hard to keep them off without her powers. Luke stayed outside of the car helping take down the Cranks too.

"Luke hurry up and get in the car what are you doing" Destariya yelled at him.

He let out a grunt and stabbed cranks off his arm "Helping"

She shook her head "Never mind helping you've been bit get in the car"

He jumped into the back seat with Ivy and Teresa while Destariya got in the driving seat next to Jorge she shouted out of the window to the people in the cargo area.

"Buckle up lads it's going to be a bumpy ride" She stepped on the gas and drove off.

"You remember the way to Marcus right?" Jorge asked.

She nodded "Of course I do but we have more important matters on our hands right now"

Tereasa looked confused "Why what's happened?"

"Luke has been infected he got bit by one of the cranks" She informed them.

Teresa gasped "What are we going to do?" She asked.

Destariya sighed stepping on the gas more "Hope that he can hold out until we get to the right arm"

Luke looked up at her "And then what?" Luke asked.

She shrugged "Hope that they have a cure" In the distance, she could see the town Marcus was settled in.

"And what if they don't?" Luke asked.

"We find one"

Jorge nodded "What are we going to tell the others? They are going to be worried"

"Your right" She pulled up and turned to look at Luke. "Okay listen we don't speak about this I don't need people to worry about even more things. They're already worried about Thomas and Brenda" They nodded and she gave a smile "Wonderful let's go" Destariya opened the door and jumped out to see Frypan looking ill.

Ivy went up to him to make sure he was okay "Frypan are you alright?"

He shook his head "Her driving is ridiculous"

"I told you to buckle up" Destariya joked.

Aris laughed "What were we supposed to buckle up with"

She shrugged "I don't know but come on we have a Thomas and Brenda to find"

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