𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 10

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"𝙾𝚔𝚊𝚢, 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚆𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚍,"


They all got into the car Newt and Destariya were in the front while the rest were in the back Zanders eyes didn't move from the window since we got in the car.

"Z you good?" she asked. He nodded. She turned around to look at her friend "I can tell you're lying what's wrong?"

He sighed "You know me too well"

"Yeah well after almost dying on multiple occasions together you kind of get to know someone" she joked.

He chuckled slightly "Destariya I think I like Ivy"

Destariya burst out laughing which caused him to look confused she put on a sarcastic voice "Well that a shock"

He looked up "That obvious?"

She nodded "Anyone could see"

"What should I do?" He questioned.

"Tell her," She told him. Jorge pulled up in front of them and started to walk up to Destariya's car she rolled down the window so she could hear him properly.

"I'll lead us to the right arm you follow behind," Jorge told her.

Destariya nodded "Just don't go too slow"

He put his hand where his heart was "Destariya isn't that what I told you the first time you got in a car"

She laughed "Yeah then u told me I needed help now go. I wanna get to the Right Arm before sunset" He nodded and walked off to his car she quickly rolled up her window and started up her car. They drove in silence for a while too many thoughts going off in her head. If she wasn't thinking about Thomas not remembering her she was worried about Luke.

She felt Newt's warm hand on hers "What are you thinking about?" He asked.

She shrugged "Stuff"

Thomas looked towards her "So your Destariya"

Destariya nodded "In the flesh"

"I know I'm supposed to know you but I can't remember how," Thomas told her.

She smiled slightly "I'm sure you'll find out. I'm not that forgettable I hope"

He shook his head "You can't be when I got to the maze they talked about you a lot"

Her eyes met Newts and she saw that his face held a blush "Well that's good to know" Jorge's car started to slow down they all got out of the car and walked up to Jorge to see that the road was blocked with old cars.

"Well, I guess we're on foot," He told them.


They walked for a bit through the car looking for any clues that could give them an idea of where the Right Arm was. Thomas looked at one car with a bullet hole in it. He went to touch it but a bullet was fired his way Jorge shouted for everyone to get down we all hid behind the abandoned cars Destariya was with the other Elites.

Ivy was shaking in Zanders' arms. "Riya I'm scared"

Destariya grabbed her hand "I know but don't worry I won't let anyone hurt you"

Zander's eyes met hers "Any of us?"

She nodded. "Any of you"

"Hey is everyone okay out there?"

"We're fine" Destariya called.

"Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt asked. Destariya looked over the hood of the car at the same time as Thomas their eyes met for a second before people shooting at the cars making them shoot down again.

"Looks like we were brought straight into an ambush" Destariya shouted.

Dominic nodded "By who though? Is it Wicked?" Destariya shrugged her shoulders.

"Everybody. Get set to sprit back to the truck and hold your ears" Jorge shouted.

They got ready to run when they heard someone's voice. "Drop it"

Destariya looked over to see who they were "Okay not Wicked," She told them.

They all got up as they told them to they kept their guns pointed at them until one of the girls noticed someone "Aris?" They all turned to look at him.

"Oh my God, Harriet?" He called out.

They hugged each other. Minho looked at them with a confused expression "Uh... What's happening?" He questioned.

Aris turned to them all with a large smile on his face "We were in the maze together"

Harriet whistled to the people in the mountains "We're clear guys! Come on out!" They guided them to some cars "Were taking them to base"

Aris looked at his friends "How did you get here?"

"The right arm got us out"

Thomas pushed in front slightly "The right arm? Do you know where they are?"

Harriet opened the car door. "Hop in"

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