𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 6

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"𝙸'𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞"


"Actually I wanted to apologize to you"

She turned around to see Newt "You do?"

He nodded "It was wrong of me to keep shouting at you"

"Yeah, it was," She told him as she turned back around to look over the Scorch.

"So you have all your memories back then?" He questioned. She nodded. "Who can u remember?" He asked again.

Destariya smiled slightly at her memories. "I remember my brother he was with me before I entered the maze. He also saved my life by getting me to run away from Wicked"

Newt sighed "Why would Wicked want to hurt you?"

"Because they were scared of me and because of that they were also scared of the other Elites," She told him.

His head tilted slightly "Elites?"

She nodded "Yeah that's what they called us we are a group of 4. They used us as protection from the cranks and anyone who tried to break into the labs"

"But what did you do to make them so scared of you?" He asked.

She laughed at him. If he still had his memories he would probably be nowhere near her right now he would know how dangerous she actually was.

"Existed" She finally responded.

He shuffled uncomfortably "Remember anyone else?"

"Teresa. She was one of the first people I saw when I woke up. She was one of my few friends too" She told him.

"You didn't have many friends when you worked at wicked?" He asked.

She shook her head "People were scared of me no one wanted to be friends"

"So... how has it been living in the Scorch?" Newt asked.

Destariya carried on looking away from him "Well it was easier in the maze just like it was easier not having my memories back"

"Do you regret getting them back?" He asked.

She shrugged her shoulders "It's good to finally remember who I am but I was a different person when I didn't know" She let out a shaky breath "I was a better person"

Newt pulled her arm so she was looking at him "You're still the same person I fell in love with Destariya"

She smiled sadly "I'm really not Newt" She saw a small tear go down his cheek. "Anyway, you should probably get some rest gotta be up early in the morning tell Jorge I'll stay up here and keep watch. Oh and ask Dom to help me please" He nodded and started to walk away. "Oh and Newt" She called. He turned back around. "I'm sorry for everything. It's good to see you all again... I've missed you"

He smiled "I've missed you too"

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