51 She is back

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Part 51 She is back

After two years

Sneha is going to be released tomorrow. Arnav couldn't come to the conclusion that in which state Sneha's mind is. Arnav's source told him that Sneha didn't talk to anyone in the prison except two or three. That two or three persons also not so close to her and they are very dangerous people. She always stayed aloof from the people and did the work which had been assigned for her in jail.

Arnav was not sure about Sneha's stance as she didn't share anything with anyone in the prison. He even tried to meet her two or three times to tell her about Suhani but she denied meeting him.

Punishments are to correct or change people into good but not punish people. But not everyone could change or correct their mistakes. The much he knew about Sneha, she is not a woman to change easily.

Arnav was right. Sneha won't change... if she had such an idea... she would have done that long ago. The prison life made her more furious on Khushi. In these years, what she thought is... Khushi is the reason for her suffering. Because of Khushi, Arnav put her in jail. She was not ready to analyze what she did to Khushi. According to her, whatever she did is not wrong and justifiable. Khushi was always wrong in her point. She thought Khushi snatched her happy life. She has been growing venom in her mind for Khushi. She was ready to go to any extent to make Khushi's life hell.

Next day

Arnav was disappointed as he missed Sneha when she got released from the prison which made him panic. She cleverly got a lift from the MILK van which supplies milk to jail. She smirked seeing Arnav was waiting outside. She hid and left the place. She earned a massive amount by doing hard work in the jail in the last seven years.

In that, she didn't even think of Suhani at least once. How could she believe that Suhani could be alive after many years? So, she came to the conclusion that Suhani should have died.


Harsha was playing with toys in the poolside. Arnav was sitting with him as Khushi asked him to look after Hasha. He was thinking about Sneha. Where is she? Where could she stay? What could he do if she got some support in the jail? How is he going to find her? What if she tries to harm Khushi?

Arnav was restless. In that Arnav didn't notice when Harsha moved towards the pool. Khushi got horrified who came, wiping her hair from the washroom. She picked Harsha in her arms.

Khushi: Arnav.... what the hell....? Where were you lost?

Arnav got up from the chair and took Harsha from her hand nervously.

Arnav: I'm sorry...

Khushi: What happened Arnav? You are looking stressed?

Arnav nodded yes.

Khushi: But why? You never get stressed?

Arnav: Sneha got released from jail.

Khushi's facial expression changed into a horrible one.

Khushi: When?

Arnav: Today morning.

Khushi: Didn't you know that she is getting released today?

Arnav: I knew. I went to the jail... but she left the place before I reached her. She earned enough money in jail. It's not good for us.

They saw Anjali coming.

Anjali: Do you think she is still dangerous?

Khushi: Always... a woman like Sneha could never be changed....

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