53 Face to Face

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Sneha stunned, seeing her mother in the pool of blood. She couldn't understand whether she shot her mother. No doubt, she shot her mother...the woman who brought her up facing a lot of troubles without anyone's help...

She couldn't believe that Suhani is alive... but after seeing her in front of her eyes, could she be without believing? Suhani was struggling to keep her eyes open. Poor woman, how many hurdles she would be facing?

Composing herself, she rushed to Suhani.

Sneha: Amma...

Suhani(with hard breath): Don't call me Amma... you are not my daughter. I'm ashamed of you. You ruined my name and upbringing by your cheapest behavior. I wish I would have aborted you... you are an undeserving person on the earth...

Khushi: Amma, please don't speak... please ...Arnav, take her to the room.

Arnav gathered her in his arms and towards the guest room.

Arnav: Khushi, get my kit.

Khushi ran to their room to bring his kit. In no time, NK and Akash also got ready to help Arnav to remove the bullet from Suhani's stomach whereas Aman stayed in the living room, watching Sneha.

Nani took all the children to her room safely with Manorama.

Arnav scanned the wound. It penetrated her intestine.

Arnav: It will be better if we take her to the hospital.

NK: Yes, Nannav. Just do the first aid then we will take her to the hospital.

Arnav: Ok... call the Ambulance.

NK nodded ok and called the ambulance.

Arnav removed the bullet and arrested the bleeding by giving an injection. Without wasting time, they took Suhani to the hospital.

Khushi who followed them stopped, seeing Sneha standing like a statue, not understanding what to do. She came to Sneha. Bending down, she took the gun from the ground.

Khushi: Are you happy now? Finally, you have killed your own mother. What did you gain, being adamant and angry? Nothing... but you lost everything... including your mother's love. You made me live in hell... you snatched my child...tortured my father... tried to get my place in Arnav's life... still, are not you satisfied? What a woman you are? What a divine job ours is... We have a chance to talk to someone's heart directly. We see the heartbeats, in front of our eyes which hold a lot of emotions. Being a cardiologist, how could you be so heartless? Believe it or not...I would have given you whatever you missed in your life if you had told me who you are when we met for the first time. You know why? It's because my mother also a good mother like Suhanima. She taught me the values of people. No doubt, Suhanima also would teach you. But you were so engrossed in growing venom on your stepmother and stepsister. That's why you were unable to think about what's good. Still, if you are not satisfied, kill me.

Khushi stuffed the gun in Sneha's hand.

Khushi: Come on kill me. Be happy after killing me. But don't you dare go in front of Suhanima. She won't bear your sin. She will die if she got to know that she had given birth to a murderer. But I'm not sure whether her sadness will affect you. You have never been good to anyone. Be it your mother or be it your profession. Don't call yourself a Cardiologist. Not one could be a Cardiologist without heart. You have no heart... you are heartless... You won't understand anyone's feelings. You are a stone.

Khushi exclaimed. Aman rushed towards her and held her supportively.

Aman: Khushi, relax. There is no use of talking to her. Because of her, we had seen a lot in the last few years. IT's waste of time, Khushi. Suhanima needs us. She will search for you when she opens her eyes. Go Khushi. I will be here.

Khushi nodded ok and started walking towards the entrance. When she was about to get out of RM, Aman got bombshell hearing the gun sound. He looked at Khushi fearfully, getting horrified.

To be continued...

Note: I'm really sorry for the very short update. Laxmi Pooja kept me busy...Sorry...

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