Chapter 1

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                                                                   {Flows POV}

Where it all starts 

I woke up early and got my stuff all ready, I swung on my backpack and wore my favorite water-shaped necklace. I rushed downstairs muttering how early it was on my way, and I was half tripping too. As I reached downstairs I saw my parents and my sister looking at me with open paws, I immediately knew what to do and I rushed into their fur. "I will miss you," I said sobbing my sister looked down at me "I will miss you too you little jumpy bean!" Nightflower said while giving me a noogie ruffling my fur.

I went out and closed the door, as I looked up I was mostly expecting a school bus but this was even better it was a Griffin with the biggest wings that were white-edged with gold, the body was a dusty brown and it had green eyes, and topping it was like a silver necklace thing around it and a saddle. I looked at it in shock. I took a moment to study it and as I did I saw a letter wedged between the necklace thing and the griffin.

Dear Flow,

I hope you have a nice first day at Phandome Academy, you might be surprised to see a Griffin instead of a bus, it is usually is tradition, and a school bus is too slow. The griffins name is Spice she is a girl and she is very sweet. Hope to see you very soon!

sincerely, Sora

"ok," I said with some confusion. I still didn't know who Sora was, but she must be important.

"I wonder how I ride her? she didn't mention that in the letter..." I muttered, I hopped on "also when she said very soon what did that mean we live far away from Phandome Academy-" just as I said that Spice took off, and I held on to the necklace thingy "WHY DON'T THEY HAVE ANY REINS!?!?" I screamed. As I looked out it looked like I was going faster than a winged cheetah.

In seconds I saw Phandome Academy it was beautiful, my eyes widened as I looked a lot more griffins flew down and went in pens where the Sparks would get off.

Most of the Sparks looked like they have been going there for a while now. I tried to spot some Fire Sparks and other kinds because all I've seen my whole life were Water sparks. As we flew down I saw a group of Fire sparks together and some Weather Sparks hovering with their wings, some shadow sparks were talking and some earth and nature sparks were hanging out together and of course, I saw Water sparks like me.

I wonder if there were any newcomers like me... I thought as we landed in one of those pretty pen things.

The place was like 900 times the size and fanciness of a normal school. For a school that big they have to have a lot of snacks, my mouth was watering just thinking of it. Getting off of Spice I looked around, some of the Sparks were already using some of their magic.

I looked at the entrance it was beautiful with smooth tile and fresh grass and flower trees the so-called school was decorated with flower pots and the flowers inside them were light blue, red, green, brown, white, and purple. Guess it stands for the six elements, I thought.

I opened the pen gate and closed it saying goodbye to Spice, following what the others did. I blindly walked around looking at Phandome's beauty, then something came to me it was fast and was orange with a flame coming out of its butt not to mention its horns were glowing ever so slightly I looked up at mine which was normal.

When I looked back down the thing crashed into me, I fell and rolled over bumping into Spice's pen. I looked over to see what that was, it turned out to be a male Fire Spark, "oops! I am so sorry I just like to greet the newcomers" he said gently with a bit of worry in his voice.

I looked up and he lent me his paw, I grabbed it and got up, looking at his horns which were not glowing anymore, "it's fine..." I said in a slightly cheerful way.

"my name is Ash, what's yours?" he asked I hesitated and looked at him awkwardly "Flow" "pretty name!" Ash said cheerfully "do you have any questions about this place?" he asked out of the blue.

I looked at him and thought of the questions I asked myself before going here. "actually yes, who is Sora?" I asked Ash looked at me, "She is the principal of the school, and even better she knows the queen of Hollowledgend! Queen Wave" he said excitedly "what spark is the queen?" I asked in a weird way. "she is no Spark! She is an alicorn and her daughters are a unicorn and a Pegasus!" 

Ash looked at her in a very joyful way "Sora is a beautiful Earth Spark, she has green eyes and lush brown fur with an amber necklace, she is so nice too!"  I heard this in awe wow! I thought and I turned around and saw Spice and a split second after another question popped into my brain. "what about the griffins? do we keep them or do we return them..." I was puzzled and Ash looked at me happily, "nope! The griffin is all yours even when you finish the Academy, you use them to ride home and here! Not to mention you get to use them P.E"

A big smile appeared on My face as I heard this, the moment I saw Spice I immediately got attached to her. "Yes, thanks!" I squealed in happiness "so... We friends?" he asked I looked at him, a new friend will be nice, he is better than those doffing smirches in my town. I thought some-what proudly.

"Yep! Where friends!" I said smiling. as I blinked a new Spark appeared out of nowhere, "ASH Stop running off you go crazy-" she puzzled and looked at me, I took a couple of seconds to study her, she was a female Nature Spark with light green fur, with light reddish pinkish eyes, and a flower crown, she had a striped light green and pink scarf on with the symbol of a leaf on it made out of metal.

"Who is this pretty young Spark?" she teased looking right at me with a big smile. Honestly, I was kind of embarrassed for once. "who- oh! That's Flow she is a kind newcomer" he said happily "nice to meet you Flow. My name is Frost and that Shadow Spark over there is Tiger" she said, I looked where she pointed and I just noticed Tiger over there, he had yellow eyes, with a purple flank and black stripes on him, I can see why his name fits him.

An Earth Spark walked over with a calm expression and by the looks of it he was eavesdropping on the conversation, "Hey Flow! Welcome to the group, my name is Sprint and I am pretty sure you have seen the rest of the group. Anyway, welcome to the group!" Sprint had light purple eyes and had a black bandana on.

They gave me a tour of the school which took a long time then we went back to where we were and chatted about the teachers. As we did that a big bell rang in a soothing toon.

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