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Soobin wasn't focused.
All he could think about was Yeonjun and his adorable laugh...
Soobin let out a sigh of relief as the bell rang, quickly putting his stuff in his bag and leaving the room.

Soobin went straight back to the alley where he and Ryujin met daily.
"Soobin! Did you get those things for me?" Ryujin smiled.
"You mean these?" Soobin smiled back, holding up a bag of macaroons.
"Sick!" She laughed, swiping the bag away from Soobin and popping one in her mouth.

"You're rich... Can't you just buy them yourself instead of having me waste some of my money?" Soobin asked.
"I'd rather have people buy things for me, Soobin oppa. Besides, like you said, I'm rich." Ryujin chuckled.

"Yeonjun invited me over to his house to study... I think if I'm around him longer, I might... You know."
"Right, right. You won't want to kill him and then your father will steal your soul." Ryujin shrugged.

"Yeah, that..." Soobin mumbled.
"No worries, Soobs! You're not like Bon-hwa. You'll survive."
"Stop comparing me to her, please...! Mother wasn't weak. Father was just too strong." Soobin said. Ryujin sighed, fixing Soobin's hat.
"Well, it's either Yeonjun, or you. You're trying to save yourself, aren't you?" Ryujin rose one eyebrow at him.

"It's almost eight... I have to go." Soobin said.
"Just don't mess things up." Ryujin pleaded. Soobin tilted his head.
"I'll try."

Soobin walked up to the address Yeonjun gave him the other day, knocking on the door. Soobin stepped back, waiting for the door to open.

A woman soon opens the door, smiling at him.
"Hello..." Soobin smiled back at her.
"YEONJUN! YOUR FRIEND IS HERE!" the woman yelled.

"Coming!" Soobin heard Yeonjun call. The lemon haired boy soon came down the stairs as Soobin was let inside the house. Yeonjun wore a red coloured beret and white clothing, a smile on his face.
"Soobin-ah! Welcome!" Yeonjun smiled.
"This my mom! Eomma, this is Soobin!" Yeonjun introduced them to each other.

"Anneonghaseyo..." Soobin greeted shyly.
"Hello, child. Don't be messing with my son now, got it? Whatever you two do, make sure I don't hear a thing." Yeonjun's mom winked, walking off to the kitchen. Soobin blinked, a blush creeping up on both of their faces.
"Is she always like that?" Soobin asked. Yeonjun nodded, giggling.
"Come on, we have stuff to do!"

The two boys spent a good few hours studying and getting to know each other. Soobin learned some things about Yeonjun, like how he was a very good dancer and had a duality that nothing from his biology class could explain.

Yeonjun also learned a thing or two about Soobin. Soobin wasn't a very active person, and he had no liking for spicy food.

"Really? Nothing spicy?" Yeonjun asked.
"So un-Korean of you." He laughed. Soobin laughed as well.
"Consume anything spicy and my body will just malfunction. For real." Soobin chuckled.
"You're so weird, Soobin-ah." Yeonjun smiled.

"I like to think that's my charm." Soobin smiled, placing his fingers under his chin. Yeonjun let out a laugh, falling back on the bed.

"What's so funny?" Soobin pouted.
"I-It's j-just..." Yeonjun chuckled, trying to catch his breath.
"I thought that was my charm, not yours."
Soobin laughed out loud.
"Well, it's our charm, then." He smiled.

Although the two boys seemed different in many ways and sometimes didn't get along, they could both agree on one thing in their hearts as they spent time with each other that night.

No more rules and regulations.

Soobin and Yeonjun both knew what they wanted in that moment.

They were both truly in love.

A/N: They be whipped

A/N: They be whipped

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