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Today was the day.

The day Soobin would finally be free of all of this.

No more worrying about life or death.

Once Yeonjun was out of the way, his life would be saved from the wrath of his father.

Soobin looked at the few friends he made during the past couple of months, all of them smiling and laughing with each other as they all ate on the roof. Soobin really felt like for the first time in ages, he finally had people to count on. But when Yeonjun dies, he'll leave, and he won't have these friends anymore.

I thought that I could escape from all of this... I went fifteen years without killing anyone because I hated it so much. Battling this out with Taehyun has been fun, but... This has to end. I'm sorry, Yeonjun hyung...

Soobin walked into the dance studio, music blasting from inside a room. He opened up the door carefully. Yuna sat on a bench with Ryujin, both of them watching Chaeryeong dance.

"Ah, Soobin! Come sit!" Yuna smiled.
"I can't. I'm going to kill Yeonjun." Soobin said.  The two of them went quiet, Chaeryeong stopping in the middle of her dance.

"You're really going for it!?" she cried.
"It's been a week since I had that run in with Taehyun. I think it's been long enough. I'm tired of having father control me like this." Soobin said.

The three girls looked at each other before looking back at Soobin.
"Good luck then, bunny." Ryujin said. Soobin nodded.

"Thank you."

"Soobin-ah, where are we going...?"
It was late at night, and Soobin and Yeonjun had been studying at Yeonjun's house. The two of them had gone on a walk after finishing up, but Soobin had started dragging him into a forest.

"Soobin! Let go!" Yeonjun cried, trying to free himself from Soobin's grasp.

Soobin sighed, pushing the older against a tree, earning a groan from him.
"You're too defiant. Let's make this quick." Soobin said.

Yeonjun gasped as he was suddenly being held by green vines, flowers of purple and white colours sprouting on it.

Yeonjun remained frozen as he looked into Soobin's dark eyes.

"I trusted you, Soobin..."
"You did. What a shame..." Soobin said.

"All we went through... I even fell for you! Only to find out you were targeting me all along." Yeonjun cried. Soobin smiled at him sadly.

"And I fell for you too, Yeonjun. I did. Ever since I was a kid, I loathed the purpose of death bringers. I wanted no part of it after my first kill. I cared for humans. I still do. I went on a fifteen year hiatus, only to have my father give me a death threat to make me kill once again. If I don't kill you, I die instead." Soobin said, walking up to Yeonjun and reaching out his hand.

Yeonjun did nothing to protest. He just let Soobin touch him. The purple haired boy smiled as he held Yeonjun's cheek in his hand.

"Can't you just defy your father...? Can't we just be together?" Yeonjun asked desperately. Soobin shook his head as he kept eye contact.

"It is impossible to do any of those things when my father leads the death bringers. I will be an addition to his collection if I try to do anything." Soobin explained.
"Well both be."

Yeonjun started at the taller boy, a few tears escaping his bunny's eyes.
"I just wanted to be with you... Why does this have to be so complicated...!?" Soobin whimpered, more tears falling from his eyes.

Yeonjun smiled at him softly, the wind slowly gusting in the forest.
"It doesn't have to be complicated. We can be together, Soobin. We have to believe that we can do the impossible. This cycle we always experience doesn't always have to end with a human death. We have to be strong..." Yeonjun whispered.

"Taehyun's vision says otherwise." Soobin shot back. Yeonjun blinked at him.
"But his vision had a bright tone."
"He lied to you. You were dead in his vision. You were dead over a pool of your purple blood, encased in flowers! My flowers! While I just stood there and watched you bleed out in guilt! Your fate is done by my hand, Yeonjun! It has to be like this-!"

"No, it doesn't!" Yeonjun yelled, cutting him off.
"I don't care what Taehyun's vision portrayed. I just want to find a happily ever after with you." Yeonjun said.

"And I don't want to be considered weak like my mother." Soobin said.
"She wasn't able to fight back when father tried to take her life away! She couldn't match his strength... I don't want to end up like that...!" Soobin broke down into tears again, his emotions taking over as Yeonjun was released from the vines.

Yeonjun walked over to the crying boy on the floor, embracing him in a hug that was desperately returned.

"You aren't weak. You are full of compassion. That's what makes you stronger than him. Your ability to feel and make your own choices. So please... Make the choice you want to make. Before you regret something." Yeonjun said.

Soobin looked up at Yeonjun with tear stained cheeks, the elder smiling as he wiped them away.

They said nothing to each other, but the looks in their eyes both said the exact same thing.

I want to be with you.

The two of them leaned in closely, Yeonjun closing the gap between them.

Their lips locked together, both of them seeming to fit perfectly together. They both smiled into the kiss before moving their lips together in sync. Yeonjun wrapped his arms around Soobin's waist while Soobin ran his fingers through his yellow hair.

The two of them pulled away for air, smiling at each other like idiots.

"I love you, Choi Yeonjun... I'm sorry I caused so much trouble..." Soobin said, hugging the other tight. Yeonjun chuckled, hugging back.

"It's okay... I love you, too, Choi Soobin. So much."

Both boys suddenly gasped as lightning crashed down beside them, the clouds darkening and rain beginning to pour.

Soobin looked over over see his death bringer friends, as well as the other humans.

And... Taehyun?

"We felt like something was off in the sky... We tried to hide our absolutes and connection to you from your friends when we saw them all, but they know now.. And I think you know who's here." Chaeryeong said.

Everyone looked over to see the shape of a man forming where the thunder was, the sparks becoming real flesh and bone until they finally became a person.

Once Soobin hated.

The man had purple hair and brown eyes like Soobin, his eyes narrowed at the bunny.

Soobin narrowed his eyes back at him, standing up.

"Look what we have here..." Soobin scoffed.
"You finally decided to show up..."




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