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Everyone was frozen in place as Soobin spoke to the man who came down in lighting, rain pouring heavily on all of them.

"Hello, son. It's been a while since I last saw you." Soobin's father chuckled.
"I thought I sent you down here to kill, not to fall in love." He said, sending a glare to Yeonjun.

"I don't care about your threats. Not anymore. I just want to be free! Why are we like this, father? Why do I have to kill!?" Soobin yelled.

His father sighed, admiring his black nail polish.
"Tsk... You really are like your mother. Pathetic. She cared for humans despite being a death bringer... Look where that got her. I don't want to let you have the same fate..." his father pouted.

"Enough with your lies! You could care less about my life or mother's! You just want power." Soobin retorted. His father sighed, more lightning striking the ground around them.

"You're such a nuisance."

Everyone yelled out of surprise as lighting struck just inches away from them, everyone hiding behind trees and leaving Soobin and his father in the clearing.

"Holy frick that was close...!" Beomgyu wailed.

"Leave my friends out of this!!! You want to cause trouble? Just fight me instead!" Soobin yelled. His father raised a brow, but smiled nonetheless.

"I want to see you try." He taunted.

Soobin growled, and his whole body then lit up in a purple fire-like aura. The power of the flames did not get affected by the water, but the continuous drops of water constantly changed the shape of the flames. He charged up at his father, pulling up his arm forcefully to summon a large vine. He attempted to hit his father across the face, but his father blocked the attack by holding the vine in his hands.

"You always let your anger get the better of you. I'm disappointed."
Soobin groaned as he was pushed back by a blast, his fire fading as he hit his back on a tree, slipping down to the ground hunched over.

Yeonjun ran over to his lover, holding his shoulders in worry.
"I'm okay, hyung..." Soobin smiled to his lover.
Yeonjun smiled back at him lovingly.

"Ugh, all this is giving me a headache." Soobin's father groaned in annoyance.

"Let's make a deal, Soobin." He said. Everyone looked over to Soobin's father, fear laced in Soobin's eyes.
"You hand your little Yeonjun over to me, where he will be alive and in my care, and no one will have to die."

"As if I'd fall for a trick like that! There's no way I'm giving Yeonjun to you!!!" Soobin protested. His father bared his teeth in anger, lighting striking for the 100th time around them.

"You can defy me, unless you all want to die from electrocution instead!" Soobin's father yelled.
Everyone went quiet at them man's outrage.
"You have 48 hours to turn him in, or else all of you will die."
The man was then struck by lightning, the bolt taking him back away to the sky as the weather died down.

Everyone was left in silence, no one really being able to process the events.
Soobin looked up, Taehyun in front of him.

Soobin widened his eyes as Taehyun extended a hand for the older.

"You were right. You aren't the bad guy, and I'm sorry that I let my vision get the better of me. I jumped to conclusions about its meaning... Even if you are a death bringer, I had no right to just assume your intentions. You never wanted any of this... But now we have all been dragged into this, and we have to work together to fix it." Taehyun said.

Soobin looked eyes with Taehyun, smiling as he took his hand. Taehyun pulled him up, everyone circling around them.

"So... We're still friends...?" Soobin asked shyly.
"OF COURSE!!! Is that even a question!?" Kai wailed.
"We know you don't mean any harm... You're our friend, Soobin. We're here and got your back." Yeji said.
Soobin nodded, smiling.
"Thank you."

"Now, we have bigger problems." Ryujin said, fidgeting with a ball of light she summoned.
"Right... Our lives are on the line now." Yuna said.
"So...? What should we do? 48 hours isn't long..." Chaeryeong exclaimed.

Soobin inhaled, looking back at the now clear night sky.

There wasn't much time, but....
He want going to let Yeonjun fall into the hands of his father.
Let alone let everyone die.
He was strong, and he was going to prove that to his father.
Once and for all.

"You know what we're going to do? We'll make sure my father knows not to mess with us or underestimate our abilities. Because we're much, much stronger than he thinks."

A/N: Just curious, how is everyone's day/ night going? It's 9:30 pm rn and I don't want to sleep 😂👌
Till next time lmao

A/N: Just curious, how is everyone's day/ night going? It's 9:30 pm rn and I don't want to sleep 😂👌Till next time lmao

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