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"We're really here."

Soobin brought up his hands to the leaves, slowly pushing them away.

"We can defeat your father once and for all... Death bringers won't be restricted, and he won't cross any more lines." Yeonjun said.

"He deserves what he's getting. He may be in control, but once he killed mother and threatened all of your lives, including mine, there was no going back. He goes today." Soobin exclaimed.

He unraveled the curtain of leaves, everyone following behind him.
They silently walked through the grass, the fire burning intensely on the door. No one else could be seen in the field, but Soobin still felt a presence of darkness.

Soobin suddenly grew a vine out of the ground and directed it a little to the right.

Everyone gasped as his father was revealed, the vine resting in his now bloody shoulder.
"So you've finally come... I suppose that means you don't want to hand over Yeonjun?" Soobin's father raised a brow, holding the blood on his shoulder.

Soobin scowled at him.
"And I'm not letting you kill me and my friends, either! You killed mother... You killed so many people! I've let this happen and have stayed at the sidelines for far too long! Death bringers shouldn't have to be held by the leashes you've created. Sure, death bringers are supposed to kill, but that isn't what some of us want to do. When you threatened the others, you crossed a line you know you shouldn't have. You cannot try and threaten the lives of your own people, and you cannot threaten humans, either."

"Do you think I care for those rules, Soobin? Being the ruler of the death bringers... 'Ruler' is only a word. There may have been rules set from the beginning, but I want nothing to do with it. And I want nothing to do with a son and death bringers who befriend and fall in love with humans!"

Everyone got out of the way as Soobin's father shot a blast of lightning, the blasts continuing to come as demons rose from the ground.

"You went against everything I taught you... You don't kill humans, you care for their cultures... You're a sick excuse for a son." Soobin's father yelled.

"And you broke the rules of not killing your people and not trying to get involved in the killing of humans! You killed so many death bringers! You killed mother!!! I'm a sick excuse for a son? You're a sick excuse for a parent." Soobin shot back.

Soobin's father just laughed.
"No matter what you think, you will never become ruler. Because I will kill you. But if you do somehow survive, you'll never unify our people like I did. Like your grandfather... We fail as leaders with care and compassion. You will fail with care and compassion."

Soobin looked over as everyone was busy fighting demons, Soobin unable to move for some unknown reason.

"You want to save them, your friends? You want to save Yeonjun?"

Soobin's father walked up close to Soobin, the pastel clothed boy narrowing his eyes as they met gazes.

"I'll send you to Hell through that door. And then you, and all of what you held dear will burn for eternity."

Soobin was pushed away, lightning striking him in the chest and ever further back, his body slipping on the dirt.

Minutes had passed, and the fight was getting nowhere. Soobin and the others were putting up a good fight, but his father had the upper hand.

All of a sudden, Soobin seemed tired. He has fought for much longer than this before and yet...

He felt drained.

So unbelievably drained.

"Soobin, watch out!"

Soobin hears Yeonjun's calls, but he just felt like closing his eyes.

He was sleepy.

Soobin let out a yell as lighting struck his body from above him, his entire figure lit up in purple.

Everyone else was yelling for him to wake up as he fell to the ground.

But he could no longer listen as he saw his father walk closer.

His eyes had already closed.

Who knows if they'd open again...

A/N: I know it ain't yeonbin but-
Here's Itzy sending you love because yes

A/N: I know it ain't yeonbin but-Here's Itzy sending you love because yes

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