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The next morning, Yeonjun was way too excited and got out of bed as quick as he could. The night before, he had finally realized his feelings for Soobin. He just wanted to go to school to see the tall boy again.

Yeonjun made it into the school, searching for the boy who was usually by his locker. But for some reason, he wasn't. Instead, Jisu and Taehyun stood there.
"Heya guys! Have you seen Soobin?" Yeonjun asked the younger two. They both shook their heads.

"No... Maybe he's sick or something." Jisu said, looking away from her phone.
"Oh, maybe..." Yeonjun huffed, getting into his locker.

Jisu continued to take quick selfies while Taehyun talked to Yeonjun.
"I know we haven't known each other for that long and don't exactly see eye to eye on some things, but..." Yeonjun chuckled.

"I'm in love with Soobin."

Taehyun and Jisu both widened their eyes at him.
"Finally, you've found a man! About freaking time, Yeonjun!!!" Jisu laughed, wrapping an arm around the older.

"Oh... T-That's nice...!" Taehyun smiled nervously. He tried to seem exited for his friend.
But he by all means was not.
As far as Taehyun knew, Soobin had to be someone to keep away from Yeonjun. He didn't know everything, but there was no other explanation.

"Hey, guys!"
The three turned around to see Soobin walking over to them.
"Hey, Soobin!" Jisu waved at the bunny.
Soobin waved back happily.
"Sorry I'm late... My father was giving my a mouthful... Heh." Soobin giggled. The others laughed as well.

"I have to go see Yeji. See you guys later!" Jisu waved, walking off.
"Give me one sec. I have to sort my locker out." Yeonjun said. Soobin and Taehyun nodded, Taehyun also excusing himself to the nearby water fountain.

As he drank from the fountain, in the corner of his eye he was able to see Yeonjun trying to lock his locker.
Taehyun widened his eyes as he noticed Soobin lightly move his finger, a small purple spark coming from his nail.

Yeonjun was then able to close his locker successfully.

"Finally. That was a hassle." Yeonjun chuckled.
"I was going to help you, but I wanted to see you struggle." Soobin laughed.
"Oh, shut up!" Yeonjun punched Soobin's shoulder lightly. Taehyun froze.

I knew something was wrong!

Taehyun went away from the fountain and walked up to them.
"Hey, Soobin?" Taehyun asked sweetly.
"May I talk to you for a second?"
"Sure..." Soobin smiled. The two of them walked away from Yeonjun and to the empty bathroom nearby.

"What did you want to talk about?" Soobin asked.
"Stop acting this way." Taehyun's face soon turned stone cold.
"W-What do you mean?" Soobin asked, his voice shaky.

"Don't play games with me! You're a death bringer." Taehyun gritted his teeth at Soobin.
Soobin's eyes welled with tears.
"Me? A death bringer? Tae, you must be delusional...!" Soobin cried, trying to stay innocent.

"Just shut up and admit it! You helped Yeonjun close his locker. I saw it." Taehyun snapped at him.

Soobin's face slowly went from one of sadness to one of blankness. Soobin's lips curved into a smile, his chuckles turning into laughs.

Taehyun just looked at the purple haired boy as he just continued to laugh.
"Ah, you got me, Taehyun-ah."
"So you admit it? You're here for Yeonjun like how my vision showed?"

Soobin smiled devilishly.
"Guilty as charged, dreamer." Soobin said calmly, but still with some grit in his tone.
Taehyun widened his eyes in fear.

He made sure to protect his hyung, and that was what he would do.

"Stay away from Yeonjun!"
"Or what? You'll kill me?"

Soobin chuckled, holding Taehyun's shoulder.
"Last time I checked, I had all of the power. You may be a dreamer, but you are as powerless as any other human." Soobin said.

"I will save Yeonjun from you." Taehyun growled. Soobin sighed and shook his head.

"I don't want to kill him, I really don't. But my father controls my actions. If I don't do this, I will be nothing but a corpse laying in his museum."

"I'd rather have you die than Yeonjun." Taehyun said without hesitation. Soobin clicked his tongue.
"It's a pity you think all of us are bad, it really is. Maybe most of us are killers, but some of us want change. I want change. But my family is of a very high standard in death bringer culture. I cannot become a deviant, even if I wanted to."

"I suggest you stay out of this and spend some time with your precious hyung while you still can."

Taehyun groaned as Soobin pushed him against the wall, showing him his finger that was illuminated in purple light.
Taehyun winced as Soobin created a scar on Taehyun's left cheek, smiling.

"You confront me again, and you'll get more than a scar, Kang. Heh, you want to protect Yeonjun? We'll see who he truly trusts." Soobin growled, backing away. Soobin left the bathroom, Taehyun left there baffled.

"Damn you, Soobin..."

A/N: Taebin are officially enemies now 🤭

A/N: Taebin are officially enemies now 🤭

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