13 & fifteen

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There was a soft knock on the window and Louis frowned, getting up from his bed.

He rubbed his hands over his face sleepily and fixed his pajamas before walking towards the window where a second knock could be heard.

Squinting his eyes, he looked through the glass and spotted a figure in his yard throwing small stones against the window.

Louis pushed the window open and stuck his head outside.

...is that you, Harry?

Who else would it be?

Harry chuckled and stepped closer towards the house.
Louis shook his head trying not to smile, but went to get the rope ladder.

So what brings you here?

Louis asked after he had pulled the boy into his room.

...It's you're birthday in a few minutes, you silly.

Hey! Where does all that sass come from?

The younger boy only laughed and pulled out a small gift box as they sat down onto the bed.

Oh, Haz. You didn't have to.

Of course I had to.
Don't forget what you got me for my birthday.

Harry smiled softly, lifting the sparkling necklace he was wearing with the words 'you're special to me' engraved.

Louis smiled too as he saw Harry was still wearing his present.

What are you waiting for?
Open it!

Harry laughed and nudged his best friends arm.

Louis looked down, smiling fondly at the present and beginning to unpack it carefully.

...Wrapped it myself!

The younger boy informed him proudly and Louis chuckled.

The birthday boy opened the box and a silver bracelet came to light.

It's a reminder.
Kind of like a friendship bracelet.
And it matches my necklace.

Harry said shyly as Louis viewed the cute bracelet.

'And you're perfect to me' was engraved on the silver jewellery and when Louis read it he felt his eyes stinging with tears just a little.

I love it, Hazza.
I really do.

Louis looked up with a teary smile, making Harry bite his lip.

Don't cry, Lou.
You're making me cry.

Harry joked, laughing but tears were already forming in his eyes.

Louis laughed too and threw his arms around his best friend, who hugged him back immediately.

Thank you.

Louis spoke, holding the younger boy tightly.

Don't mention it.

Harry chuckled and buried his face further into the crook of Louis' neck before they pulled apart.

Never thought I'd be wearing bracelets.

Louis snickered after Harry had helped him putting it on.

You look good wearing it.

Of course I do!

Louis sassed and began to pose jokingly, making Harry laugh.

Happy birthday to me.

Louis said smiling at Harry softly who smiled back looking him straight in the eyes.

The younger boy's face was little flush from coming here so late at night in December and his curls were probably a bit tangled from the wind.
But his eyes shone brightly, like a little kid when getting chocolate.

Happy birthday, Lou.


I really think this chapter's cute :,)
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