22 & twenty four

138 10 5

Urgh...Can we cuddle?

Harry sighed, face planted into the couch. They had music playing on shuffle, while rain pattered on the windows.

He'd just gotten out of the shower after a day of work in his flowershop. His curls were still damp, only put up into a bun to keep them put of his face.

Hmm...one second.

Louis replied absently.

You said that 15 minutes ago.

Harry pouted, hugging the cushion that wasn't as near as warm and comforting as his boyfriend and also slightly wet now from his hair.

One second.

Louis said again, focusing harder on his laptop and documents after pushing up his glasses.

Although Harry thought he looked hot in glasses, he hated it when Louis wore them.
Because Louis wearing glasses did usually come with him sitting at that desk forever, working as if there was no tomorrow.

It's a Saturday, Lou.

Harry whined, shifting around on the sofa.


Lou, I wanna cuddle.


I'm pregnant, Lou.


Harry huffed and stood up from the couch, making his way to Louis and shutting his laptop, leaving the older one surprised.

You're not even listening.

Harry frowned and crossed his arms over his chest.
Louis face softened and he reached up to smooth out the frown on his beautiful boy's face.

Sorry, Haz.

Can we cuddle now?

Harry asked with a hopeful smile that reminded Louis of an excited puppy except Harry wasn't in for a walk like a golden retriever.


Harry pouted as the older boy wasn't listening again.

No, his mind was somewhere else, imagining growing old and grey with the boy in front of him.

Louis grabbed the collar of Harry's mint coloured hoodie and pulled him down to meet his lips in a warm kiss that still made their heart beats pick up.

Is that a yes?

Harry mumbled into the kiss before he pulled away and Louis chuckled, suddenly getting up and racing to the sofa.

The younger boy bit his lip, smiling and walked up to Louis.
As soon as he stood in front of him, the older boy pulled him onto his lap and wrapped his arms around his torso.

Come ooon, cuddle me!

Louis spoke looking like a little kid.

Harry sighed happily and flung his arms around Louis while burying his face into the crook of the older one's neck.

I love you, Lou.

Harry's voice was muffled by Louis' sweater as he tightened his grip onto his boyfriend.

Who doesn't...

Louis smirked playfully.

I love you more.

Louis whispered. He kissed the side of Harry's neck, making the younger one squirm and giggle since it tickled.

And even though Harry was a tall, twentytwo-year-old man with muscles to die for, he was just the cutest in Louis' eyes - had always been and will always be.

Gemma wants to come over tomorrow, probably.

For dinner?


Harry nodded half yawning.

Well we gotta impress her with some skills then.

So you're planning to bug me in the kitchen, pretending like you know what you're doing?


Harry snorted, shaking his head.

I'm hungry.


Yeah...but you order.

Louis laughed, fleeing from the coach before the other one could protest. But Harry only rolled his eyes with a smile and grabbed his phone to order.

They spent the rest of the night sitting on the couch in their sweats, eating takeaway and chatting and laughing over random things.


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