24 & twenty six

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Louis just sat and counted each second that went by.

He mentally cursed his boyfriend' puppy eyes that he just couldn't say 'no' to.

But here he was, next to his ridiculous charming boyfriend, in a house that smelled of old perfume and soap.

The furniture was old, probably just as old as Harry's aunt herselves, but it didn't add any spice or sweetness to the place.
Instead everything felt extremely clean and strict, leaving Louis to feel uncomfotable and out of place.

He looked over to his left, Harry who was chatting with the old lady, actually seeming like he was enjoying it.
And Louis felt like he was 7 all over again, waiting for his mum to quit talking to a stranger.

As much as I would like to
stay here all day, I think
we best get going now.
We have some
grocerie shopping to do.

Louis felt his heart burst with relief and thanked Harry mentally, trying to hide his smile.

Oh, of course.

Harry's aunt spoke in her very posh accent that she seemed to share with all the other old ladies from this rich town.

Take a bit of pie with you, it's right in the fridge.

Can't say no to that.
Lou, could you get us some pie?
We'll wait at the door.

Sure thing.

Louis got up and searched the kitchen. He had to give it to Harry's aunt, if she knew one thing then it was how to make a good pie.

He took a few pieces from the fridge and looked for a plate that looked the less expensive and fancy and he covered it with foil.

He's a keeper, that boy.

Louis stopped in his tracks, listening to the conversation.

He is.

He heard Harry say and Louis felt a smile creep on his lips.

You probably got him all wrapped around your fingers.


Harry laughed.

...But he has me too.

Louis smiled.

Also... that he came here with you this afternoon, even though anyone could see he just wanted to get out of here.

Louis heard Harry laugh at that comment and he gaped.
They both knew.

Louis didn't know if he should feel embarrassed or mad.
He didn't even want to imagine how obvious he must had been and how shamelessly the other two had decided to ignore it.

Sure, there had been moments where he had just stared at the side of Harry's face, silently begging to leave or when he looked at the silver fork like her never seen one before. But had it really been that obvious?

Oh Lou...

Harry shook his head, smiling when they had entered their car.
Louis looked at him with his arms crossed and brows furrowed.

You want an honest answer?

Harry chuckled while his boyfriend glared at him.

Oh bub, you were more than obvious.

Harry laughed and started the engine. When he looked back at Louis, he saw him pouting.

Was I supposed to lie?


Louis mumbled.

I mean...that's so

The shorter boy groaned and Harry's lips turned into a smile as he put one hand behind Louis' neck to comfort him.

It was rather cute though.

You're cute.

Louis said simply, his face unwillingly breaking into a smile.

And he turned his face away from Harry so he wouldn't see that he'd already forgiven him, although he hadn't even been really mad to begin with.

And Harry did of course know that his boyfriend could never be mad at him. Just like Harry could never get enough of the other boy.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter:)
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