28 & thirty

116 11 3

Ok, one more step...yeah
-don't peek!

Gently, Louis dragged his husband after him. Harry had his eyes shut and one-year-old dog Pebbles on the leash.

They had just come out of the car after a ruff, one-hour drive, where Harry had perstered his husband with questions about where he was driving them.
Without any success.

The cold wind was now blowing into Harry's jacket and he could hear the sandy path rustle under his feet.

Where are we?

Harry whined
but got no answer.

You're so mysterious, why did I even marry you?

Harry couldn't see it but he could practically feel Louis roll his eyes.

Open your eyes.

Harry's eyes fluttered open and he wasn't sure if he could trust his eyes or if he was dreaming.


He said breathlessly.

Before him was the most adorable little house. With a tiny little porch and a small front yard and a rosebush climbing up the slightly rustic facade.

There could be a fence going along here, y'know, one of those white picket fences, or whatever, so Pebb could run around outside-

Louis explained, enthusiasm dripping from his voice.

Harry was still awe, he only stared as Louis went on with his rambles.

The backyard is great too and you could have your own flower garden and when it's summer we could have barbeque with the boys and our families...

Louis wouldn't even stop talking, he went on and on. And all Harry could do was listen with wide sparkling eyes.

But wait till you see the inside-

Louis grabs his arm and pulls him towards the front door and opens it. The hall was small, to the right the wooden stairs winded to the second floor and four doors led to other rooms on the ground floor.

It was tight and cozy and Harry immediately felt at home.

The kitchen was making Harry speechless all over again. It was bright and so pretty and just the right size and there was a big window and a back door leading to the backyard.

Louis bit down on his lip, looking at Harry expectedly. But he wasn't waiting for Harry to say anything, because the way Harry beamed was enough.

And the way Harry was gazing into the backyard, Louis could already tell that he was planning the flower garden in his head.

Come on!

Louis grinned and pulled Harry along through the sliding door that led into the living room.

It had tiny fireplace and was quite big, but probably because the furniture was missing.
Though Harry could already imagine what couch and carpet and even what pillowcase he'd want.

But what mattered most was that he could see them two here.
He could see them here, cuddling on the couch and falling asleep on each other, he could see them both messing around in the kitchen and Harry making them dinner.

He could see them live here and that was all that mattered.

I don't know what to say, Louis...
This house-

Harry whispered but Louis already grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room.

I gotta show you this...

They left Pebbles in the hall and climbed up the staircase.

The hallway upstairs was narrow and small and Harry thought that he'd put pictures all over the walls, then Louis came to a stop.

He opened the door to two rooms next to each other. Harry peeked into them.

They were about the same size and both had a big window facing the backyard, allowing the sunlight to shine inside.

Louis took Harry's hand again and pulled him into one of the rooms.

And this...

Louis spoke softly.

-this could be the kids rooms,
think about this, we paint this one pastel yellow and that one blue or...

He looked up to find Harry beaming at him and a smile creeped up Louis' face too.
He leaned up and met Harry in a warm kiss.

Do you like it?

Louis whispered and Harry couldn't help but chuckle.

Do I like it? I love this!
I love this house!
I love everything!

He grinned and fell into Louis' arms, spinning them around.

Louis pulled back and looked at Harry's eyes with a mixture of an award-winning smile and a 'fuck this is really happening, I'm gonna cry'-look.

I want this.

Harry whispered, squeezing Louis' waist.

I want this with you.
And with Pebb and with kids and with flowers and barbeques and
football in the backyard
and all of it.


Louis whispered back, tears spilling over and he buried his face in Harry's neck.

Harry could feel the tears on his face now too but most importantly he feels right and at home in his husband's arms.


Ahh, I want to live in that house pls! Hope you could imagine a cute house with what I wrote :)
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