21 & twenty three

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Louis sighed, gulping the last sip of tea before he threw the paper cup into the trash.

He looked back, Harry sat crossed legged on one of the seats next to their suitcases with his hair in a bun and his nose deeply buried in his sketch book.

Louis sat down beside him and tugged a loose strand of hair behind the younger one's ear, smiling at his boyfriend's little doodles.

What are you drawing?

A cat.

Harry leaned back and tilted the book for Louis to see.

A smile tugged at Louis' lips as he saw the small drawing and he pecked Harry's nose, making the curly boy scrunch his face a bit.

I can't wait to finally take
a swim in the ocean...

Harry leaned his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, drumming his fingers on Louis' thighs impatiently.

Louis hummed in agreement, his eyelids slowly falling shut.

And just laying on the beach and getting tanned...

The younger boy
had been exited like a little kid a day before Christmas ever since he knew about this vacation. He wouldn't shut up about it over the last weeks.

He had bought a bunch of new t-shirts and shorts, not to forget sunglasses and sunscreen.
He was gushing 24/7 about the landscape they were gonna have and if Louis ever found it annoying he never said anything.

Harry sighed approvingly, turning his head to look at Louis and smiled when he found him sleeping.

He thought the boy looked absolutley adorable and he couldn't resist to pull put his phone and take a picture of Louis, looking so sweet and peaceful.

Harry knew he was not a pretty sleeper. Louis had once taken a video of him sleeping in his lap and while the older boy had said he looked absolutely adorable, Harry begged for him to delete it.

But Louis looked like an angel when he was asleep, if he wanted to believe that himself or not.

Harry send one picture to his mum and one to his sister, writing 'my sleeping beauty and I can't wait to get on the plane'.
And then he took some more just for himself, 'cause how could he not when Louis looked so beautiful.

When Louis stirred awake, he kept his eyes close, feeling that Harry was taking pictures of him and he tried not to smile.

Their flight was called out and Harry run his fingers through his boyfriend's fringe.

Lou, we gotta go.

He said softly, pressing a sweet kiss to Louis' cheek and the older boy hummed, his eyes fluttering open.

They grabbed their bags and suitcases and made their way out of the waiting area.
Louis slid his hand into Harry's smiling at the long haired boy, whose face lit up on the spot, brightening that dark morning at the airport.

Once they sat in the airplane Louis had so seemed to realise that they were really going on vacation. His were glinting with excitement and thrill.

He grinned, looking out of the window as the plane started moving.

He was suddenly thinking about the things they were going to do. The date nights with just the two of them and strolling around the city and walking at the beach when the stars were out.

I'm so fucking excited-

He looked to his side only to find Harry fast asleep in his seat.
Louis shook his head and chuckled to himself, he fished his phone out of his pocket.

He snapped selfie of himself pulling a face and Harry sleeping with his mouth fallen open and sent it to his mum, typing
'this guy over here is so bouncy and excited all week and look who's asleep now and snoring into my ear'.


:( this makes me want a partner, I'm so lonely, y do I do this to myself...
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