27 & twenty nine

114 8 10

-A dog...


Louis head snapped to his left, where his husband sat in the passenger seat.

You know, they're
all cute and fluffy...

Harry sighed and stared into space.

Harry, what
are you trying to say?

Louis chuckled in amusement.

That we should...
get a dog, y'know?

The younger guy said simply and peeked over to his husband who was staring out at the road with a raised eyebrow.

Really?...a dog?

Yeah, a dog, why?

Harry chuckled.

Nothing,' just thought
you were always more of a cat person.

Well, I do like cats,
just,- there's a certain person
who thinks cats are the pure devil and I just so happen to be married to that person.

-They try to slice me with their claws, I swear.

Louis said, doing wild gestures with his hands.

Harry rolled his eyes with a smile on his lips, as the rain pattered on the roof of the car.

You do know that having a pet is a lot of responsibility?
If the dog gets bigger we might need a bigger place than our flat.
And you have to feed them, take them on a walk-

-go to check ups at the vet, and play with them, give them love, train them, teach them tricks,...

Louis listened to Harry's rambling with a smile.


Louis said after a moment of thought and slowed down the car as the traffic light turned red.
He turned to the side, looking closely at his husband with squinted eyes.

-You really wanna get a dog...like right now?

Harry shrugged, and squinted his eyes back in a smug way, trying not to break into a smile.

Why not?


Louis too tried his best not to grin and he turned into the next street, to the animal shelter.

Look at that one, that one is adorable.

Harry chuckled as his husband cooed over the 10th dog they had seen.

That is mike-

The lady from the shelter filled them in.

-almost 7 years old, his owners had to move and left him here.
He can be a bit of a diva sometimes.

Hey, buddy!

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