26 & twenty eight

159 11 5

If Harry had told anybody he was counting the polka dots on his niece's dress, they would've probably thought he was mental.

Truth is, the tall boy's nerves were all over the place as he sat in the back of the car.

50...51...53- wait...

Are you alright, Harry?

Harry's mother asked softly and tugged a stran of curls behind her son's ear.

Yes, just nervous.

Harry sighed and bounced his leg up and down.

We're here!

Gemma announced, grinning at her younger brother, who let out a shaky breath.

They got out of the car and walked over to the building, where friends and family were already waiting.

Harry's heart thumbed so loud he could swear everyone was hearing it too.

Breathe, baby brother.
You look like you're going to pass out.

Gemma joked but a type of softness remained in her voice and she smiled with that softness too.

What if I trip upon something..or I'll faint and-and...

Hey, there is nothing to worry about Harry, we'd be there to catch you. Now suck it up, ok?
We're gonna go inside now, love you.

-Love you too.

Harry managed to say before his sister and the rest of his family left to go inside.

He almost jumped when a pair of warm hands smoothed out his collar and sleeves.

I'm so nervous, mum.
I can't believe this is happening.
I'll probably forget everything I wanna say or I'll forget how to breathe- God, I'm just so fricking nervous...

What are you nervous about, darling, it's just Louis.

Harry let those words ring through his head.

And his heart slowed down a little.

He thought and remembered to take a deep calming breath.

You know, Harry, I always knew you were gonna stand here someday...

What do you mean?

Harry frowned confused and his mother's lips curled upwards.

When you came home that day when you were twelve and told me that Louis had just had his first kiss with a girl in his class and they were dating...

...and you were saying that it was unfair that you were two years younger, because you believed you had to wait until someone would go out with you...

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