Emily Gibson - The Seven

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** Disclaimer: I do not own any of the PJO or HOO Characters! They all belong to Rick Riordan!**

Also, please watch the video! It is beautiful.

Word Count: 1030

Emily's POV:

Hi, My name is Emily Gibson but you probably know me as the girl with the weird eyes. At least that's what they call me at Saltwater High. By they, I mean the popular kids or the it clique, the rich kids, or as I like to call them, the self absorbed BULLIES. There are about a million other names I could call them like..... Sorry I'm getting off track, Arrrrrrrg ADHD!

I thought of all this as I looked in the mirror and brushed my curly, black hair and looked at my multicolour eyes. One blue, one green. I sighed, slung my backpack over my shoulder and headed down stairs. There, I found my mom reading the newspaper and drinking coffee.

" Bye Mom!"

I called as I walked through the door. She waved in response as I started walking to school

~ Time Skip to Before School Starts. Brought To You by Small Bob ~

" Hey Loser"

Matt Sloan, King of Saltwater High, called, strutting up to me. His wannabe followers shuffled behind him. He shoved me against the lockers and all my textbooks spilled onto the ground.

" You're a freak, you know that? Your eyes are scaring all the rest of us normal people" He spat at me.

He waited for my reaction but scowled when he didn't get one. Then he pulled out his trump card. The one thing that he knows gets on my nerves.

" Hey Gibson, where's your daddy, oh right he left you!" Matt and his minions laughed cruelly. " I bet he left because he thought you were a freak with your eyes and your ADHD and Dyslexia. I bet he-

Matt was cut off when a group of 7 teenagers entered the hall. They were all muscular, covered in scars and were very, very, good looking.

" Let her go" growled a boy with wide swept black hair and sea green eyes, emerging from the group.

Matt shoved me to the ground and turned his attention to the teenagers.

"What are you gonna do about it" Matt replied

"Beat You Up"

A girl with curly blonde hair and stormy grey eyes replied calmly. Everyones eyes widened. No one, I mean no one, stands up to Matt. EVER. The blonde girl glared at him and he shivered but didn't back down.

" You can't hurt me" Matt started " I am a son of Zeus... and his favourite. If you beat me up, i'll just get him to incinerate you"

He finished with a smirk. Everyone gasped and started to bow except for the new students. Instead they started laughing, two of them were even rolling on the floor they were laughing so hard. Finally a boy with close-cropped blonde hair and electric blue eyes emerged from the back of the group.

" You" He said pointing to Matt "Are no demigod" He spat .

With that Matt Sloan walked away from us scowling and muttering curses under his breath. A Cherokee girl with choppy brown hair and kaleidoscope eyes along with a younger girl with curly hair and brilliant 14 karat gold eyes walked up to me

" Are you okay?" The Cherokee girl asked as she helped me up.

" Yes" I replied" Thank you so much, Matt bullies me everyday." I finished with a sigh.

They looked at each other hesitantly before the blonde girl says,

" I heard Matt say that you have dyslexia, ADHD and your dad left when you were born. Is that true?"

Anger exploded in my chest.

" Did you scare away Matt just to tease me yourself !?!"

" No, no we would never" The gold-eyed girl says quickly " we all have ADHD and dyslexia ourselves except for Frank over there." She pointed to a tall guy in the back who waved. " and most of us have lost one of our parents or don't have a good relationship with our families." She adds quietly.

I smiled. Maybe I finally found place where I fit in. They introduced themselves and we talked for a little bit. They were really nice and funny. I was having a great time when I saw them all look at each other and nod. Annabeth turned to me and started talking in Greek? And the strangest part was I understood every word.

A/N: This Greek Translation is from google translate. If you know how to speak greek, you can laugh at how bad it is. Every thing in the bracket is what it means in English. I apologize in advance :)

μπορείς να καταλάβεις τι λέω (can you understand what I'm saying? )

I nodded and they all smiled before Piper continued,

εντάξει πρέπει να με πιστέψεις. Είστε ημίθεος και πρέπει να έρθετε μαζί μας. θα σας μεταφέρουμε σε ένα ασφαλές μέρος για όλους τους ημίθεους. (Okay, you have to believe me. You are a demigod and you must come with us. we will take you to a safe place for all demigods.)

~ Time Skip ~

When we arrived at Camp Half- Blood, I was immediately claimed by Hephaestus which makes sense because I love engineering and inventing. Leo was so happy to have another sister that he offered to give me a tour of camp. We were about to enter the Arena when I saw him staring at me.

" What's wrong?"

I said. Then he asked me to do the weirdest thing. He told me to imagine fire and to imagine summoning and controlling it. After I did, he gasped in surprise. I looked down to see flames dancing across my fingers and yet they weren't burning me. Leo sat down and told me about the rare power of the children of Hephaestus and he taught me how to control it.

And that was the day I found out that I was the demigod daughter of Hephaestus and a fire user.

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