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It's a cold night in this small city. Most people in this quiet city are already asleep and safe in their warm houses. But for tonight, Leora is still walking in the empty alley. She always forgets about the time when she's talking in the presence of her God. She promised her parents that she won't come home late.

Unfortunately, she was late to catch the last bus. So she had to walk from the church to her home. It's a long walk, but she did it with a happy heart like she always does in every situation. But this night she doesn't know that something dark is waiting for her in the corner of the dark alley, ready to catch her.

He waited patiently for his angel to pass him. Since that night when his angel saved him from the injury he had, he was captivated by her beauty and compassion. Never in his life, was somebody willing to sacrifice and care for him. Not even his mother.

He already knows every activity and schedule she had. So he knows that today she will come and pray in the church like an obedient little girl. He is already waiting for two months to capture his girl and hold her for eternity. He can't wait to own her and never let her go. Because like the meaning of her name, she is his light in his cruel dark world.

Just a few steps again, she will be in front of him. He already prepared everything for his girl. The mansion, garden, and cold room for punishment if his girl is disobedient. He makes everything perfect, guards, and everything his girl needs to keep entertaining and make sure she doesn't escape.

His hands itch to grab her hand forcefully and make her unconscious in his arms. And he didn't hold the urge to grab her. He grabbed her forcefully, shut her mouth with his arm to keep her silent. She wriggles in his arm trying to break free. He can hear her breath caught in her throat. The angel in his arm starts crying and hyperventilating. She seemed shocked by everything that happened.

"Don't shout or I'll make you unconscious." He speaks warningly in his deep controlling voice.

He can feel the girl try to shake her head yes. He feels satisfied that his angel complied with his demand. Slowly he puts away his hand from her mouth. Her whimpers can be heard clearly from her free mouth.

"Good girl." He praises.

"Now do everything I told you and you'll not get hurt." He slowly unwraps his arm from her body feeling cautious that the girl tries to escape.

The girl seems to comply with every command. It pleases him with her attitude. He drags her arm and brings her to her car. Push her up in the front seat and tied her arm to the arm holder.

She can't do anything right now. She can't move her arm, let alone escape from this mysterious man. She doesn't feel scared about herself, because she believes her God will take care of her and never let anything bad happen without a purpose.

She just worried that her parents will search for her for entire nights. She is pretty sure that her family will worry about her well-being. It's past midnight right now, her papa will start to search around the town. Maybe they will find her and she can go back home.

The man comes inside the car, make her body stiff with worry. She tries to relax. 'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.' She tried to calm her worried heart by repeatedly saying this scripture slowly. It's always worked for her, her body seems to relax slowly as her mouth says it repeatedly.

He watches her body stiffly when he entered the car. He finds it amusing when she tries to be brave and her facade finally shows. He starts the car and drives slowly to the golden cage. He finds her whispering something under her breath and finds her body slowly relaxing. It's a surprise for him that she can truly relax under his present. Nobody ever does that, not even his right-hand man. He knows she's special, after all, she is his angel.

"You seem relaxed, that's good." He commented, make her lower her head, even more, try to hide from the attention he gave.

"Ca... Can you tell me what you want from me?" Ask her, after she tried so hard to gather her courage to ask.

He pleases her question. She seems to forget who he is. Her innocent and gullibility satisfy him to the corner of his heart.

"You. All of you." He said sternly and observe every bit of her reaction.

She is confused by his answer. What does he mean? Her confuses shown in her expressive face.

He likes that he can read her like an open book by her expressive face. She can't even try to lie to him. Her face and eyes will tell them all.

"Ask along bambina." He said amused by her expression.

"Why? Why do you want me? And what will you do to me?" Her face can't even hide the worry that starts to show.

"Because you're mine. And I'll do whatever I want with you."

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