Chapter 1: Finding Agent 7

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~A few hours later~

~6s POV~

"Finally! Got it working!" I shout. 4 comes over to see me and tells me to fire it up. Everyone stood back as the machine lit up and vibrated. Lukas activated it as I made sure everything was working as it was supposed to. For a few minutes, nothing appeared on screen, so I thought it wasnt working. I then kicked the machine and it sent beams of light in all directions. "You sure this is gonna work 4?" I ask him.

~4s POV~

"I'm sure. This is the only way to find 7, and bring her home." I reply. I look at the screen of the machine as it loaded up a map with coordinates, a small squid signal and a five digit code. "2, is this her?" I ask as she comes over. "Sierra Echo Victor Echo November... That's her!" We all celebrate, but then the screen began to glitch out like every other detail on there. Soon it crashed and the entire machine shut down, leaving the screen black. "That wasn't supposed to happen 6!" I say, annoyed that it just broke. "I know 4. Lukas, what's wrong with it?" She asks him. "I don't know 6. Everything seems to be fine, it was just the... She's in the Metro..." He says. I come to the realisation that she was deep underground in the Deepsea Metro and that was the thing that caused it all to lag out and shutdown. "It's fine everyone, 6 and Lukas, you guys work on the machine, see if you can get it up and running. Everyone else, you're free to go. We have 7s whereabouts, we just need to come up with a plan soon." I tell them all. Everyone but 8 nodded and followed orders. He just sat in the corner of the room, looking down and seeming pretty detached from everything that was going on. I decide to go over to him, and 2 follows me, knowing that somthing is going through his head at that moment.

~8s POV~

I hear 2 and 4 coming over, but I can't seem to stop thinking about the flashback I had on my wedding day. Who was the man talking about? And why was it me and Tobi who had been told to do something to them? I kept thinking, ignoring the two agents in front of me, and soon enough, I have another flashback.

"Tobi, Tobias, as the strongest elite octarians, and only twins, I trust you to take down Agent 13 and either kill or being her back to me. Go. Complete your task, don't report back until you have.

"You ready Tobi?" "More than ever Tobias. We've prepared for this moment our entire lives, we have to live up to father's standards and complete the mission." "Or we could escape. Live our lives as normal people. It kinda sucks down here, underground, with you being my only friend." "Well, tell you what. We finish the mission and then escape. Deal?" "Deal. Now let's get this squid, T."

The flashback was the same one from my wedding day, but this time it was different. It had more information. Who was agent 13? And why did we have to kill her? The flashback continued, leading into some sort of fight.

"Above you T!" Tobi shouts at me. A familiar face comes down, pushing me off the edge and onto a different platform. "I'll deal with this one!" I shout back. "Ok, I'll take down Agent 1--" "What's wrong Tobi?" I ask. "TORI?!" He shouts. At this point, I couldnt hear anything else, I was fighting another agent.

"You took them away from 1 and 2, and for that, I'm going to take you away from him! I'm Agent 3, and I'll be the one to lead us to victory, taking down all Octolings and avenging 2 great soldiers before most of us soldiers!" She shouts before charging at me. We fight for 15 minutes before we both are knocked out ourselves by a shadowy figure. I remember nothing else from that point on, only my name...

I thought that was the end of my flashback, but it wasn't. The next flashback I seemed younger, much younger this time.

~2s POV~

"Tori? Who's that?" I hear 8 asking, and thats when it hit me. "Agent 13...." I whisper to myself. "What's wrong 2?" 4 asks me. I reply, keeping details out. "I need you to contact Tobi, you know, 8s Brother? Get him to come here, now!" He nods and runs off to call him. I was anxious to explain to them, but I knew it needed to be done.

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